Numer 65 (2/2022)
The Aesthetics of Travel
Spis treści
INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Carla Milani Damião Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazylia Nastassja Pugliese Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia |
Zoltán Somhegyi
Beyond the Artist’s Voyage. The Aesthetic Necessity of Travel
DOI: 10.19205/65.22.1
13 – 27
Słowa kluczowe Caspar David Friedrich |Artists Travelling |Experience of Travel |Chen Shaoxiong |Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |EdE SinkovicsStreszczenie In the present study, I focus on the diverse manifestations and aesthetic consequences of travel in the work of some artists that may nevertheless represent a vast variety of where such artistic results, connected to the experience of travel, may point to. Therefore, I am interested in what artists can “do” with the various experiences collected in a journey and how they influence their pieces and their approach to art and its working. |
Słowa kluczowe Kierkegaard |Travel Literature |repetition |Recollection |ImaginaryStreszczenie The idea of traveling, as a theme, topic, or metaphor, is present in Kierkegaard’s production—namely, in the dialectics between the objective and subjective, the role of the imaginary in recollection, the reflection on memory, space and time, and, more significantly, in the dialectics of recollection and repetition. Moreover, the idea of traveling has a pivotal role within the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious stages, which structure all of his writings. In Fear and Trembling and Repetition, traveling lies at the core of the philosophical debate. I begin by presenting the Gilleleje notes, followed by the recurrent use of Opdagelse-reise (great voyage of discovery) in his works; then, I introduce his idea of ethical traveling and the ensuing conception of the Christian as a traveler; I also discuss his ambivalent disposition regarding the demand for traveling in his day. In the second part, I analyze the philosophical use of the idea of traveling by focusing first on Abraham’s journey to Mount Moriah in Fear and Trembling and then on the seminal proposal of a dialectical relation between repetition and recollection in Repetition. I end by drawing conclusive remarks from the previous analyses, which guide me to elaborate proposals for a more holistic understanding of the genre of travel literature. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugalia
Alice Fátima Martins
No, I’m not from Athens or By the paths I have walked
DOI: 10.19205/65.22.3
45 – 53
Słowa kluczowe memory |Forgetfulness |Wars |Migrations |Latin AmericaStreszczenie Based on Percy B. Shelley’s phrase “we are all Greeks,” this text refers to journeys, memories, and forgetfulness of facts that took place in the territory named Latin America since the Portuguese and Spanish occupation. The guiding thread runs through journeys and how they affect the perception of the world, erasing or making visible routes and their reports. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazylia
Słowa kluczowe Aesthetic Experience |Whitehead |Jung |Traveler |selfhoodStreszczenie An aesthetic for travel experience can be developed from the writings of Alfred North Whitehead and Carl Jung. The thesis is that an aesthetic experience occurs if a traveler is changed by an occurrence of harmony that lures the traveler into new selfhood, which is centered on a more complex recognition of beauty. An interpretation of a short, beautiful prose piece entitled “The Secret of Light” by the American poet James Wright reveals the process of developing an aesthetic experience. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania, USA
Agata Sitko
Madam Knight on the Road. A Journal from Colonial America
DOI: 10.19205/65.22.5
65 – 81
Słowa kluczowe Journal |Colonial North America |Female writer |LacanStreszczenie The Journal of Madam Knight was written in 1704 by Sarah Kemble Knight. The paper presents the historical background, i.e. the legal and social situation of women in colonial North America and an early history of Boston. The Journal itself is analyzed with a special attention paid to Madam Knight’s attitude to otherness revealed in her writing, and the harsh conditions a female traveler was exposed to. Lacanian notions of the Real and das Ding are employed as tools for the analysis of specific fragments of The Journal, in which she describes her fear of the wilderness. Finally, the lack of expected change in the traveler at the end of her journey is commented on. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas w Sosnowcu
Maurice Windleburn
Luc Ferrari’s Far-West News as Travel Music: Listening for Exotic Sounds in the Southwestern United States
DOI: 10.19205/65.22.6
83 – 96
Słowa kluczowe Listening |Travel Literature |Luc Ferrari |Exoticism |Cultural EntropyStreszczenie This article likens experimental composer Luc Ferrari’s musical work Far-West News to late-twentieth-century French travel literature. Made from recordings Ferrari took while journeying through the Southwestern United States, Far-West News is understood here as a “sound hunt” for exotic sounds—a search for a difference in the cultural entropy of latetwentieth-century globalism. Ferrari’s piece offers an incentive to think about listening as an integral part of the travel experience. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
University of Melbourne, Australia
Thaís Perim Khouri
Inhabiting Art to Experience Presence: She as a Bird
DOI: 10.19205/65.22.7
97 – 113
Słowa kluczowe performance |Uncivilization |Deep Ecology |Dance and Presence |Art ResidencyStreszczenie Exploring the arrangements and interactions that space reveals in its expressions, such as cities, forests, parks, and their hybridizations, I search for ways of living in the art that reveal ancestral paths, which I present in self-referential narratives. Through travels and driftings, I experienced the transition between the visible and invisible, and then I sought to create performances as an expanded field, which involves the body’s energy states, exploring symbolic layers. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Universidade de Brasília
Carla Milani Damião
Rolling Thunder Revue: In Search of Authenticity
DOI: 10.19205/65.22.8
115 – 126
Słowa kluczowe authenticity |travel |Irony |counterculture |Bob DylanStreszczenie This article deals with the theme of a road tour in the context of American counterculture and the environment of the music created by Bob Dylan, sometimes characterized as politicized folk music, sometimes as rock & roll. The primary reference is the film Rolling Thunder Revue (2019), directed by Martin Scorsese, resulting from a tour in the 1970s. The reference to the novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac is notable, and the presence of poet Allen Ginsberg in the troupe reinforces the context of a generation and an era. The article aims to reflect on the relationship between the original tour, the editing of the new film by Scorsese, and the construction of heroism that oscillates between truth and falsehood. In this construction, we consider, on the one hand, the playful and provocative game between fiction, reality, and authenticity; on the other, the political emphasis that raises ethnic and racial issues as the main components of critical and cultural reminiscence in the tour footage as recomposed in the film. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazylia