Numer 62 (3/2021)
Styles of Discourse
Spis treści
INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Tatiana Denisova Uniwersytet Egejski, Grecja Ioannis Vandoulakis Międzynarodowy Uniwersytet Grecki (Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο) |
Lynn Maurice Ferguson Arnold
From Ideals to Ideology—Two Contrasting Views оf Architectural Discourse аt the 1937 Paris Exposition
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.1
15 – 34
Słowa kluczowe Realism |Paris Exposition 1937 |Nazi Architecture |Soviet Architecture |Styles of DiscourseStreszczenie If language is a word that describes a toolkit of communication, then architecture and associated design may be considered their own languages, which communicate the purposes, permissions, and boundaries of the socio-political contexts from which they arose. Such languages of architecture and design will have their own “grammatical” tools and discourse styles, with consequent differences of meaning between them. This paper considers the differences in architectural and design discourse styles expressed by two totalitarian states at the 1937 Paris International Exposition. Such expositions were traditionally places where liberal democratic ideals of free trade and discourse were extolled. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany confronted such ideals through ideology in that forum. However, while each of them communicated a totalitarian language of purposes, permissions, and boundaries, there were essential differences in the styles of discourse represented by the architecture and design of their respective pavilions. Indeed, they were polar opposites of each other and the liberal ideals they contested. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry, Australia
Słowa kluczowe propaganda |meaning |perception |Imagination |Illusion |Picture |symbolism |Plato’s Cave |Advertisement |ChildrenStreszczenie I first present a general analysis of the different types and kinds of philosophical discourses. The second part examines why images have been and are still rejected in philosophy. In the third part, I explain the different ways to fruitfully use images to develop philosophical thinking and discourse, in particular by giving various significative examples. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia
Tatiana Denisova
An Apology for the Obscurity of Philosophical Discourse: the Fruitfulness of Obscurity
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.3
65 – 86
Słowa kluczowe language |communication |Philosophical Discourse |Discursive Thinking |Clarity |ComprehensibilityStreszczenie The article examines the distinctive features of philosophical discourse, such as clarity and intersubjectivity in philosophical communication. The possible reasons for the obscurity of philosophical texts and the complexity in communicating meanings are analysed. It is claimed that the obscurity of philosophical texts and eventual incomplete understanding is not a sign of their inferiority but the fruitfulness of philosophical discourse, which can generate new meanings. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Egejski, Grecja
Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska,
Piotr Leśniewski Styles of Education: Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz and Paulo Freire
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.4
87 – 101
Słowa kluczowe Logic |education |Paulo Freire |dialogue |Kazimierz AjdukiewiczStreszczenie This paper provides an analogical analysis of the educational styles of Paulo Freire and Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. Although it seems they do not have much in common, we have found some striking similarities regarding, above all, their attitude towards the foundation of education and the deep, abstract structure of human/social relations. Consequently, in this paper, we posit that accurately (pragmatically) organized education in logic is necessary for any dialogical approach to education and social life. INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Piotr Leśniewski Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu |
Gilah Yelin Hirsch
An Artist’s Styles of Discourse Words, Strokes, Images, Action: A Quiver of Expressive Media Probing the Unknown
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.5
103 – 116
Słowa kluczowe creativity |expression |Teaching |Art & Healing |MultidisciplinaryStreszczenie In this essay, I examine various styles of discourse in my four-channel practice of creative expression. While the definition of discourse is attributed primarily to writing or speaking, I am including painting, filmmaking, and teaching as dialogic exploration. While each has a particular discussion style between an artist (initiator) and recipient, I will show that they flourish in unpredictability and the unfound. The essence of original innovation is mined in uncertainty and unknowing. With this understanding, one can develop new and groundbreaking imagery in any medium. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, California, USA
Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
The Medium Wrecks the Message: Describing Artistic Style Using a Relational View of Art
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.6
117 – 149
Słowa kluczowe Artistic Style |Aesthetic Balance |Influence of Medium |Category Theory |Art as TransformationsStreszczenie I formulate style as “compensatory triangles,” describing how naïve depictions get rebalanced by “pictorial techniques” to compensate for information loss and interference from their medium. I also formulate the information lost, perhaps because of interference, when translating between styles. The formulations may be helpful in teaching. They, and proposals for further mathematisation related to deep-learning style transfer, are inspired by category theory and a relational view of art. |
Słowa kluczowe Arthur Schopenhauer |Communication Ethics |Discourse Ethics |Eristic |Argumentation TheoryStreszczenie Eristic has been studied more and more intensively in recent years in philosophy, law, communication theory, logic, proof theory, and A.I. Nevertheless, the modern origins of eristic, which almost all current researchers see in the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, are considered to be a theory of the illegitimate use of logical and rhetorical devices. Thus, eristic seems to violate the norms of discourse ethics. In this paper, I argue that this interpretation of eristic is based on prejudices that contradict the original intention of modern eristic. Eristic is not an art of being right or winning an argument, but an art of protecting oneself from the one who deliberately violates norms of discourse ethics to gain argumentative acceptance. For this reason, eristic must be seen as a discipline of Enlightenment philosophy and a correlate of discourse ethics. Especially in the age of alternative facts and post-factual politics, this makes eristic a valuable discipline. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Fernuniversität in Hagen, Niemcy
Roshdi Rashed
On the Plurality of Styles: Spherics, The Isoperimetric Problem
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.8
163 – 175
Słowa kluczowe (Plurality of) mathematical styles |Gilles-Gaston Granger |the isoperimetric problem |the style of Menelaus’s Sphaerica |the cosmological style |Al-Khāzin’s geometric style |Ibn alHaytham’s infinitesimalistic style |the style of the calculus of variations |the style of synthetic geometryStreszczenie This paper studies the question of plurality of mathematical styles, i.e., whether a fundamental mathematical work is characterised by a single style or by a multitude of styles; and, whether the unity of a subject in mathematics in its development is the outcome of a single style or several styles. The question is studied (a) within a single mathematical work and (b) through the study of the same problem over time and illustrated on Menelaus’s Sphaerica and the isoperimetric problem. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paryż, Francja
Université Denis Diderot, Paris VII, Francja |
Boris Shalyutin
To the Origins of Discourse, or on the Birth of Society and Law
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.9
177 – 192
Słowa kluczowe Law Genesis |Sociogenesis |Legal Discourse |Neanderthals |Homo SapiensStreszczenie I consider the beginning of society to be the integration of hostile Homo Sapiens communities into dual-group alliances, which ensured superiority over Neanderthals, made possible by the formation of legal discourse between the parties of a dual alliance who remained aliens to each other, which provided peace and stimulated a leap in linguistic and cognitive development, including the formation of the coercive power of logic. |
Petros Stefaneas
A Novel Tool for the Study of Social Media Narratives
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.10
193 – 205
Słowa kluczowe metaphor |style |Social Media Narratives |discourse analysis |Conceptual BlendingStreszczenie The study of social media discourses requires alternative methods to traditional narratology. We propose a tool that can be used in this promising area of research. We explain blending in metaphor and mathematical communication, showing how the latter can be extended to social media. The underlying idea is that style describes how the parts of a narrative are blended into the whole. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Politechnika Narodowa w Atenach, Grecja
Ghil’ad Zuckermann
Cross-Cultural Communication and Linguistic Cross-Fertilization: Yiddish and its Survival under the Israeli Language
DOI: 10.19205/62.21.11
207 – 227
Słowa kluczowe Endangered languages |cross-cultural communication |Yiddish |Hebrew |AboriginalStreszczenie This article introduces cross-cultural communication and linguistic cross-fertilization by exploring the fascinating and multifaceted Yiddish language and its survival in Israeli, the result of the fin-de-siècle Hebrew revival. Yiddish is a 1,000-year-old Germanic language with Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic substrates, with most dialects having been influenced by Slavonic languages. Yiddish is characterized by a unique style that embeds psycho-ostensive expressions throughout its discourse. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
University of Adelaide, Australia