Numer 15 (1-2) 2022
Redaktor: Józef Zasadziński
Spis treści
András Barczi,
Dorottya Szabó,
Péter Magyari,
Gábor Géczi
Colour analysing of IPA brewing phases, including daily measuring of the fermentation process
1 – 7

Słowa kluczowe

brewing |color analysation |IPA |wort |color measuring


Over the last decade, the brewing revolution has shown a new face to brewing. Besides the large-scale production, small-scale, artisanal hand crafted, and home breweries have also become important and relevant. This change has forced large-scale companies to change their usual methods and brew other types of recipes as well.

One of the most popular ALE-type beers is the Indian Pale Ale (IPA), which gives beer a fruity-citrus flavour due to its hop content. It is especially popular with novice brewers as it has no enormous machine requirements compared to LAGER-type beers.

In the study, we made our already known and popular recipe, a New England IPA, in a 30-litre brewing pot. This type requires only one type of malt; however, we added barley flakes, oat flakes, and wheat flakes to enhance the flavour. Hops are very dominant in the taste of this type of beer, five of which were used during brewing and later at “dry hopping” during fermentation.

Sampling was performed every minute during mashing, brewing, hopping, cooling, and yeasting with a calibrated NIX-type measuring device with repetition to avoid measurement errors. During the fermentation stage, the colour change was observed by daily sampling. The study aims to separate the stages of brewing by colour and identify the stages of the already known biological and chemical activities by colour.

This study is the first part of a more extended series of experiments where we will perform similar experiments on several types of beer (LAGER, STOUT, APA, WHEAT, RED, etc.). We would also like to know about the possible effect of carbonisation on colour, the possible effect of storage in a bottle on colour, and possible deviations from a similar decoction.


András Barczi
Węgierski Uniwersytet Rolnictwa i Nauk Przyrodniczych

Dorottya Szabó
Węgierski Uniwersytet Rolnictwa i Nauk Przyrodniczych

Péter Magyari
independent researcher

Gábor Géczi
Węgierski Uniwersytet Rolnictwa i Nauk Przyrodniczych

Janusz Fyda,
Patrycja Żelazo
Decomposition rate of two tea types in two different forestry niches
8 – 16

Słowa kluczowe

soil |rate of decomposition |tea bags index |TBI


Organic matter decomposition is one of the most important processes associated with flow of energy and recirculation of organic matter in natural environments. Using commercially sold tea bags of Lipton Sencha green tea (SGT) and Lipton Ceylon black tea (CBT) their decomposition was studied in mixed and coniferous forest. At both stations 25 bags of each tea were buried for a period of 3 months. After elapsed time, the bags were dug up, dried, and the mean weight loss of organic material for each tea type and ecosystem was calculated. In the mixed forest the average weight loss of tea bags was 46.8% for Sencha and 32.1% for Ceylon tea and respectively 44.6% and 30.6%, in the coniferous forest. Statistical analysis test (ANOVA) revealed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in rate of decomposition between tea types, however the differences between the decomposition of the same type of tea on both type of forest were insignificant.


Janusz Fyda
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Patrycja Żelazo
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Tarnowie
Egodage Chavin Janitha Perera,
Marek Chyc
Morphology of household waste on the example of Sri Lanka and Poland — case study
17 – 21

Słowa kluczowe

metals |plastic |garbage |glass |disposal


Household waste is a global problem that many countries cannot cope with and deal with difficulty. In many regions of the world, a dynamic increase in the amount of waste generated is observed, which causes significant environmental pollution and excessive use of non-renewable resources. In the case of household waste, important indicators are not only its quantity per person but also its morphology.

This study compares the amount of waste generated and its morphology by a household in Sri Lanka (Colombo) and Poland (Tarnów). The presented data comes from 2022, during a time of economic crisis caused initially by the COVID-19 pandemic and then due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. Currently, Sri Lanka is going through one of the greatest economic crises in its history. Poland is currently experiencing high inflation and reduced demand for many consumer goods due to continuous price increases. These events significantly affect the demand for various types of consumer goods and, paradoxically, this may reduce the amount of waste generated. It is important to identify and implement new strategies to recycle or optimize the usage of waste and develop value added products that would, in turn, have a positive impact on the domestic waste awareness. The results of the conducted research indicate a  significant share of biodegradable waste in the stream of generated waste, especially in Sri Lanka. The vast majority of generated waste can be recycled, but sorting is required. Comparing the data obtained from this case study, 71% of food waste is generated in Sri Lanka, whereas 22.1% is generated in Poland. This indicates that Poland produces a significant amount of processed food. Moreover, the recorded plastic waste produced by Polish families is twice that of Sri Lanka. Furthermore, both countries indicate a positive trend to generate more waste in the future despite economic challenges faced locally as well as globally. Therefore, it is vital to understand the amount and morphology of waste as well as to implement more efficient and economical strategies to eliminate negative impacts.


Egodage Chavin Janitha Perera
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Marek Chyc
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Tarnowie

Tomasz Kolak,
Katarzyna Maj-Zajezierska
The municipal waste management in the Skrzyszów commune
22 – 28

Słowa kluczowe

waste management |municipal solid waste management |selective collection system


In the article, the municipal waste management system was analyzed in the rural commune of Skrzyszów in the years 2016–2021. The analysis was prepared based on annual reports prepared and published by the Commune Office. The analysis showed that the selective waste collection system is functioning properly and that residents deliver municipal waste to the Municipal Waste Selective Collection Point (MSWCP) Pogórska Wola. Every year, the mass of municipal waste generated by residents of the Skrzyszów commune increases, in 2021 it amounted to 309 kg per person. The analysis of the fraction of municipal waste collected from households showed that biodegradable waste, bulky waste, and glass packaging have the largest mass share. Bulky waste, especially used car tires, was the dominant fraction of municipal waste delivered to MSWCP. The Skrzyszów commune has achieved the assumed recycling levels for biodegradable waste, construction waste, and paper, metals, plastics, and glass waste specified in the Waste Management Plan for the Małopolskie Voivodeship for 2016–2022.


Tomasz Kolak
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Tarnowie

Katarzyna Maj-Zajezierska
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Tarnowie

Magdalena Irla,
Anna Kowalska
Ocena stanu gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi w wybranych gminach na terenie województwa małopolskiego
29 – 37

Słowa kluczowe

odpady komunalne |punkt selektywnej zbiórki odpadów |województwo małopolskie |poziomy recyklingu


Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi w Polsce ewoluuje od lat 90. XX wieku w kierunku zwiększenia recyklingu i minimalizacji składowania odpadów, zgodnie z hierarchią postpowania z odpadami. Każda gmina dostosowuje system gospodarki odpadami do ogólnych wytycznych, tj. aktów prawnych oraz planów, jednak ilość zebranych odpadów na jednego mieszkańca różni się w poszczególnych gminach w zależności od charakteru gminy, świadomości ekologicznej mieszkańców oraz systemu zbiórki odpadów, w tym lokalizacji i organizacji punktu selektywnej zbiórki odpadów. Osiągnięcie wskazanych przez Unię Europejską poziomów recyklingu danych frakcji wymaga dobrej organizacji systemu zbiórki odpadów oraz współpracy gminy z mieszkańcami, którzy mają istotny wpływ na jakość i ilość materiałów wtórnych uzyskanych w procesie segregacji u źródła. W celu porównania ilości zebranych frakcji odpadów oraz osiągnięcia poziomów recyklingu przeanalizowano dokumenty dotyczące gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi za lata 2013–2020 w wybranych siedmiu gminach województwa małopolskiego.


Magdalena Irla
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Tarnowie

Anna Kowalska
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Tarnowie
Natalia Hermansa,
Kamil Kustra,
Magdalena Trela,
Marcin Lis
Influence of ambient temperature on reproduction ofthe red-headed cricket (Gryllus assimilis)
38 – 44

Słowa kluczowe

insects |insectariums |environmental conditions


Red-headed crickets were kept in glass insectariums equipped with drinkers, food containers and peat boxes for laying eggs. In the first stage of the experiment, the insects were divided into three groups, kept at 20°C, 25°C and 29°C, respectively. Three days after placing the crickets in the insectariums, the eggs were counted. In the second stage, the eggs (15 pcs.) were placed in boxes with peat in insectariums and exposed to the same temperatures as the females were kept at 20°C, 25°C and 29°C respectively, and the time in which the larvae hatch in each container was observed.
It was found that the thermal conditions of the environment influence the number of eggs laid by female Gryllus assimilis and the length of the embryonic period in red-headed crickets. It is estimated that in the temperature range of 20–29°C, increasing the temperature by 1°C shortens the time needed to hatch the larvae from the eggs by 2 days.


Natalia Hermansa
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie

Kamil Kustra
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie

Magdalena Trela
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie

Marcin Lis
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
Akademia Tarnowska
ul. Mickiewicza 8
e-ISSN 2544-9125
33-100 Tarnów