Review of International American Studies (RIAS) is the peer-reviewed, electronic / print-on-demand, Open Access journal of the International American Studies Association, a worldwide, independent, non-governmental association of American Studies. RIAS serves as agora for the global network of international scholars, teachers, and students of America as a hemispheric and global phenomenon. RIAS is published twice a year (Fall-Winter and Spring-Summer). The journal is funded from Association’s annual dues as specified in the "Membership" section of the Association’s website. All topical manuscripts should be directed to the RIAS Editors through this website.

RIAS, available free not only to all members of IASA, but also offering all issues for free to the general Americanist public, is designed to facilitate that conversation. National associations of American Studies continue to make very valuable contributions to the subject, but much of their focus is necessarily on matters close to home: the protection of local programs, safeguarding faculty positions, attempting to raise the subject’s profile in often difficult circumstances, and so on. IASA, by contrast, offers the possibility of complementary or contrary perspectives which can expose practitioners of American Studies to intellectual outlooks very different from their own. This is not an ‘export’ model of American Studies, but one based upon the idea of reciprocal interaction, of mutual exchange and enlightenment. For academics based in North America or Europe, seeing how things appear from Australasia or Asia, Latin America or Africa, can often appear as a salutary corrective to the insularity of ideas often assumed, wrongly, to enjoy universal validity.

The function of RIAS, as indeed of IASA in general, is to enhance channels of communication among scholars concerned with American Studies in different parts of the world, so as to enable the subject to grow and develop in ways that may not be visible to any of us at the present time. While RIAS has no preconceived academic agenda, it will of course depend crucially for its usefulness on the participation of scholars in many different parts of the world. This e-journal is a venue of global intellectual exchange in American Studies, and, to this end, we warmly welcome contributions from all quarters.

Dyscypliny przypisane do czasopisma

culture studies
American studies
international studies

Prof. Giorgio Mariani, University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ Italy

Managing Editor
Prof. Paweł Krzysztof Jędrzejko, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Associate Editors
Prof. John E. Dean, Texas A&M International University, USA
Dr György Tóth, University of Stirling, United Kingdom

Senior Copyeditors
Dr. Emily Metzner, Department of Anthropology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
Mark Olival-Bartley, Amerika-Institut, LMU München, Germany  

Book Review Editor
Dr. Manlio Della Marca, Amerika-Institut, LMU München, Germany  

Founding Editors
Dr Michael Boyden, English Department Uppsala University Sweden, Sweden
Prof. Paweł Krzysztof Jędrzejko, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Past Editors-in-Chief
2010–2016: Prof. Cyraina Johnson-Roullier, University of Notre Dame USA, United States
1996–2010: Dr Michael Boyden, English Department Uppsala University, Sweden 

Past Senior Copyeditor
Marta Cafiso, University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ Italy
Meghan McKinney Jones, Department of English, University of Notre Dame, United States


Zilà Bernd (University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Manuel Broncano (Texas A&M University at Laredo, USA)
Theo D’Haen (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
Carlos Garrido Castellano (Lisbon University, Portugal)
Thomas Claviez (University of Berne, Switzerland)
Jane Desmond (University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign)
Virginia Dominguez (University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign)
Maria del Mar Gallego Durán (University of Huelva, Spain)
Paul Giles (University of Sidney)
José Antonio Gurpegui (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
Manpreet Kang (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India)
Liam Kennedy (University College Dublin, Ireland)
Elisabetta Marino (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy)
Carlo Martinez (Università “Gabriele D'Annunzio,” Italy)
Samantha Viz Quadrat (The Fluminense Federal University, Brazil)
Roshan Lal Sharma (Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India)
Regina Schober (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Ian Tyrrell (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Lea Williams (Norwich University, USA)
Sun Youzhong (Beijing Foreign Studies University, China)


Marta Ancarani (Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria)
Rogers Asempasah (University of Cape Town, Ghana)
Antonio Barrenechea (University of Mary Washington, USA)
Claudia Ioana Doroholschi (The West University of Timisoara, Romania)
Martin Halliwell (University of Leicester, UK)
Patrick Imbert (University of Ottawa)
Manju Jaidka (Panjab University)
Djelal Kadir (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Eui Young Kim (Inha University, South Korea)
Rui Kohiyana (Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Japan)
Kryštof Kozák (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Elizabeth A. Kuebler-Wolf (University of Saint Francis, USA)
Márcio Prado (Universidade Estudal de Maringá)
Regina Schober (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Lea Williams (Norwich University, USA)
Yanyu Zeng (Hunan University of Science and Technology, China)


Prof. Giorgio Mariani
Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali
Università "Sapienza" di Roma
Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4
00185 Roma

Principal Contact

Giorgio Mariani
RIAS Editor-in-Chief
Università Sapienza di Roma
Phone: +390649917264
Email: [email protected]

Support Contact

Pawel Jedrzejko
Phone: +48534534301
Email: [email protected]

Numer bieżący
17 (1/2024)
International American
ISSN 1991-2773
Studies Association
e-ISSN 1991-2773