Numer 10 (2/2017)
Spis treści
Słowa kluczowe translation |Italian culture |American culture |American literature |Americanization of Italian culture |the role of translationStreszczenie Since the American continent became a part of the European imagination, it has always been seen to represent freedom. Especially after 1776, when the American democratic “experiment” giving rise to the United States proved durable, America became a source of social and political inspiration to generations of Europeans and non-Europeans alike. Unsurprisingly, also in the Italian context, the catalog of ways in which American values have been “translated into Italian” and adapted to Italy’s cultural space seems to be ever-growing. Yet, even though the cultural transfer dates back to Christopher Columbus, it is especially since the outbreak of World War II that Italy has been markedly influenced by intellectual and material values generated in the US. At some point, the fascination with the US soared to such a level that, incredibly as it may sound, one of the most iconic provinces of Italy would begin to imagine itself as the forty-ninth state of the US long before Alaska and Hawaii gained their present-day status: in Sicily, the American fascination seems never to abate. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Słowa kluczowe US literature |Italian cultureStreszczenie This paper attempts to point out the powerful insights and the spirit of adventure of the US literature in the Italian culture, that were sometimes manifested by Italian critics and publishers alike, from (roughly) the end of the eighteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. Today, the great US literary masterpieces are, by and large, part of the Italian heritage, as indicated by the many translations, scholarly books and intelligent, innovative essays that keep being produced and published. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Università Roma Tre, Włochy
Giorgio Mariani
Hugo Pratt and Milo Manara’s Indian Summer: An Italian “Source” for The Scarlet Letter
29 – 53
Słowa kluczowe Nathaniel Hawthorne |The Scarlet Letter |Indian Summer |Hugo Pratt |Milo Manara |comparative Italian American studies |literary historyStreszczenie This paper examines the allusions of Milo Manara’s and Hugo Pratt’s graphic novel, Tutto ricominciò con un’estate indiana (Indian Summer), to Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlett Letter in a variety of ways. In particular, this paper argues that not only some of Pratt and Manara’s characters are very liberal, creative reinventions of Hawthorne’s figures—they might be seen as “spin-offs” of Hawthorne’s narrative—but in many ways Indian Summer is also thematically close to The Scarlet Letter. |
Stefano Luconi
The Troubled Presence of the United States in Italy’s Political Culture: An Overview
55 – 73
Słowa kluczowe Italy |political culture |US values |American modelStreszczenie This brief article examines the impact of US values on Italy’s political system since the end of World War II. It argues that, during the Cold War, the allegiance of the sizeable Communist Party to the Soviet Union, on the one hand, and the Catholics’ distrust of Americanism, on the other, prevented US principles from shaping the nation’s republican institutions and playing a significant influence on Italian political culture, notwithstanding Washington’s efforts to spread its own philosophy in the country. It also suggests that, after the end of the West-versus-East ideological conflict, the two major party coalitions paid only lip service to US values and referred to them mainly out of expediency while jockeying for position in their struggle for political power. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Włochy
Laura Blandino
All Paths Lead to Rome. Establishing an Italian American Archive of the Visual Arts of the late 1950s and early 1960s
75 – 88
Słowa kluczowe 1950s |Rome |post-war art |Trans-Atlantic art scene |archive Trans-Atlantic experience |Milton Gendel |American Art |Italian ArtStreszczenie This paper examines the role Rome played in the 1950s as an important outpost for the development of a distinct art scene, where the American and the Italian experience had the opportunity to blend with the artists gathering and sharing innovative ideas. It is a part of an ongoing research and it presents and sums up the early stage of the project which focuses mostly on archival sources and interviews with the central figures of this period. This paper, in particular, follows some of the members of this tran-Atlantic community, focusing in particular on the art galleries that fostered an international dialogue. Above all, this paper addresses the fundamental questions concerning whether this period could be considered as an “archive” of Italian and American art. It aims at demonstrating that, though not altogether free from contradictions and misconceptions, the period under study was very fertile in terms of the results of cross-cultural experience. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Università degli Studi di Torino, Włochy
Sostene M. Zangari
“Things Change but the Amerecano Is Here to Stay”: America in Italian Popular Movies of the 1980s
89 – 104
Słowa kluczowe comparative Italian American studies |Italian popular film |representation of America |film studies |1980s |Italian comedies |Italian cinema |cultural historyStreszczenie The article focuses on a number of film comedies of the early 1980s. In different ways, the movies rearticulate the relationship between Italy and the United States. In showing how Italians can beat Americans at sports, how they can indulge in conspicuous consumption and finally how even the United States are not alien to provincialism and backwardness, these movies express a new mood of confidence that was widely felt in Italian society at the time. However, these movies came at a moment when the Italian film industry was on the verge of its decline. Starting from the 1980s, in fact, American movies and distributors would colonize the Italian movie market and depress the Italian movie industry. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Università degli Studi di Milano, Włochy
Słowa kluczowe gender studies |war against gender |gender-bending |American gender studies |Italian gender studies |approaches to gender |gender stereotypesStreszczenie This essay describes the misrepresentation of gender theory in Italian culture and politics, arguing that the violence of the attacks unleashed against gender in Italy constitutes a paradoxical example of the importance of a category of analysis that in today’s United States has come to be represented as tame (and even tedious). INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Università degli studi di Bergamo, Włochy
Słowa kluczowe Margaret Fuller |Roman Revolution |democracyStreszczenie 1848, Europe’s year of revolutions, was also a revolutionary moment in the United States, for it witnessed the holding of the Seneca Falls Convention, the first formal gathering for the purpose of discussing the social and civil rights of women in America. A significant step on the road to Seneca Falls had taken place three years earlier when Margaret Fuller, the former editor of Emerson’s literary magazine The Dial, published Woman in the Nineteenth Century, an erudite and impassioned plea for female equality that had no precedent in American letters. Yet when the pioneering band of feminists gathered to ratify its Declaration of Sentiments at Seneca Falls, Fuller was thousands of miles away. The revolutionary movement to which she devoted her heart and toil that year was not the cause of American feminism, but the democratic revolution in Rome. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE |
Daniele Pomilio
Luciano Curreri and Michel Delville, Il grande ‘Incubo che mi son scelto.’ Prove di avvicinamento a Profondo Rosso (1975-2015)
125 – 128
Słowa kluczowe comparative Italian American studies |Italian popular film |representation of America |film studies |cultural historyStreszczenie The text offers a review of Il grande “Incubo che mi son scelto,” a collection of essays written in three different languages by a group of international scholars to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Profondo Rosso, the cult movie by Dario Argento. The book contributes to the canonization of an Italian classic long neglected by those critics who still consider horror movies a low-rated subgenre, comparable to B-movies. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Università degli Studi di Udine, Włochy
Introducing American Multiculturalism in Contexts: Views from Home and Abroad (edited by Sämi Ludwig)
129 – 130
Call for Papers: Captive Minds. Norms, Normativities and the Forms of Tragic Protest in Literature and Cultural Practice
131 – 134