Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE), a scholarly gathering of Polish anglicists, has great pleasure to announce the launch of Polish Journal of English Studies, a new peer-reviewed journal for scholars working in the literature and culture in English, as well as theoretical and applied linguistics. We intend the journal to be a forum for the exchange of scholarly and scientific thought, ideas, and proposals within the broadly understood discipline of English studies. We invite our colleagues from Poland and abroad to contribute articles which would reflect their field of research and expertise. The articles will be blindly reviewed by two independent scholars prior to their publication. We hope to publish general issues as well as specific, topic-oriented ones. The first, inaugural issue is now available, and we are looking forward to further submissions from all scholars working in English studies.
Prof. Krzysztof Fordoński (University of Warsaw)
Heads of Thematic Sections
Applied Linguistics
Prof. Danuta Gabryś-Barker (University of Silesia)
Prof. Henryk Kardela (Marie Curie-Skłodowska University)
Studies in Culture
Prof. Ryszard Wolny (University of Opole)
Studies in Literature
Prof. Jacek Fabiszak (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Prof. Jadwiga Uchman (University of Łódź)
Managing Editor
Dr Anna Wołosz-Sosnowska (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Language Editor
Dr Marcin Tereszewski (University of Wrocław)
Technical Editor
Dr Łukasz Karpiński (University of Warsaw)
Dr Marcin Klag (Tischner European University)
Prof. J. Lawrence Guntner (Braunschweig)
Prof. Nicoleta Cinpoes (University of Worcester)
Prof. Jan Jędrzejewski (University of Ulster)
Prof. Adriana Biedroń (Pomeranian University, Słupsk)
Prof. Cem Cam (Cykrova University)
Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele (Birkbeck College, University of London)
Prof. Hossein Nassaji (University of Victoria)
Prof. Sarah Mercer (University of Graz)
Prof. Terence Odlin (Ohio State University)
Prof. Rebecca Oxford (University of Maryland)
Prof. David Singleton (University of Pannonia)
Prof. Jorge Bastos da Silva (University of Porto)
Prof. Séllei Nóra (Debrecen University)
Prof. Irene Gilsenan Nordin (Dalarna University)
Prof. Bożena Rozwadowska (University of Wrocław)
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