Numer 22/3 (2023)
Redaktor: Wojciech Franus
Spis treści
Katarzyna Chrzanowska,
Jacek Abramczyk
Unconventional building forms roofed with innovative structures arranged on regular surfaces with the negative Gaussian curvature
5 – 25

Słowa kluczowe

novel building form |complex shell roof |parametric modelling |nominally flat thin-walled folded sheeting |multi-plane elevation


A novel method for shaping innovative building forms, roofed with diversified complex continuous and discontinuous folded structures composed of many transformed corrugated shell units, is presented in the paper. The units are defined on the basis of specific reference polyhedral networks and arranged on arbitrary reference surfaces characterized by the negative Gaussian curvature. The method is presented using several computer models of complex building structures with folded plane-walled elevations. The proposed method significantly supplements the previous method developed for modelling building free forms, roofed with shell structures arranged in conformity with surfaces having the positive Gaussian curvature. Some basic rules using parameterization and governing the creation of the multi-plane elevations, ribbed continuous and discontinuous roof shell structures, arranged in different unconventional and visually attractive patterns, were developed. The elaborated specific sets of division coefficients are taken as parameters for the designed building structures. These sets determine unconventional polyhedral networks, which are composed of several specific sets that allow to define a polygonal eaves network, a reference surface and, finally, individual shell units of the roof structures. The developed method is presented using the example of three novel forms defined by means of the appropriately selected diversified sets of values of the division coefficients. The elaborated new forms confirm the innovative nature of the achieved results. By imposing appropriate proportions between the values of these division coefficients, the developed method enables the creation of two different groups continuous and discontinuous complex shell roof structures.


Katarzyna Chrzanowska
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza

Jacek Abramczyk
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza

Youcef Toumi,
Samy Mezhoud,
Otmane Boukendakdji,
Moussa Hadjadj
Impact of recycled aggregate brick on the physical-mechanical and environmental characteristics of cement treated bases
27 – 44

Słowa kluczowe

Cement Treated Base |Life Cycle Analysis |Physical-mechanical |Recycled Aggregate Brick


Recycled aggregate brick (RAB) constitutes a significant waste stream in developed countries, originating from brick manufacturing and demolition processes. This paper investigates the potential utilization of various sizes of RAB as replacements for natural aggregate (NA) in cement-treated bases (CTB), along with an assessment of their mechanical and environmental properties. The study includes a life cycle analysis to evaluate the environmental impacts of different CTB formulations. The novelty of this study lies in the environmental evaluation of four types of CTB, including natural, recycled, and mixed CTB. The physical and mechanical properties of the recycled brick and natural materials are characterized and compared. Results indicate that recycled brick aggregates, when combined with a cement mixture, can be used as a base and sub-base layer with good mechanical performance. Moreover, environmental analyses demonstrate that recycled aggregate generates fewer impacts than natural aggregates. Consequently, this study suggests that the utilization of recycled aggregates brick in CTB offers a sustainable waste management solution while simultaneously contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts associated with construction activities.


Youcef Toumi
University of Mentouri Constantine I, Algieria

Samy Mezhoud
University of Mentouri Constantine I, Algieria

Otmane Boukendakdji
University of Médéa, Algieria

Moussa Hadjadj
University of Médéa, Algieria

Gabriela Lewandowska,
Michal Taracha,
Kamil Maciuk
Socio-economic factors associated with house prices. Evidence based on key macroeconomic aggregates globally
45 – 58

Słowa kluczowe

real estate |OECD |GDP |inflation |human population |economic activity |apartments |macroeconomy |house prices |Pearson correlation coefficient


The aim of this paper is to assess the association between macroeconomic factors and house prices in selected OECD countries. In this paper, authors describe selected socioeconomic factors, adapt a transparent methodology based on the OECD database and derive results shedding a light on the main drivers shaping the trends of the real estate prices. Two main economic aggregates, inflation and gross domestic product (GDP) were analysed for the OECD member and non-member countries for which complete data have been made available for the period of 1990-2020. The OECD provides data for 60 countries in total, out of which 38 are members of the organization. Nevertheless, due to missing observations in certain countries, the analysis was carried out in 19 of them. The aim of the study was to determine how GDP and inflation dynamics are correlated with changes in property prices. Among the analysed countries, Japan and South Africa could be distinguished as outliers in terms of inflation, whereas in the case of GDP, Italy, Japan, Ireland and Norway stood out. Additionally, 12 representative countries were described in detail. These countries comprised four groups of three countries divided across two dimensions: the first, based on the highest and the lowest correlation coefficient, and the second, based on the measure used to calculate the correlation coefficient (correlation of the house prices with GDP and correlation of the house price with inflation). On the basis of the analyses, it was shown that the association between GDP and house prices is stronger than that between inflation and house prices – in most cases, prices increased at a similar rate as GDP. A particularly high correlation between GDP and house prices was found for Norway, New Zealand and Sweden, indicating a potentially higher marginal housing consumption responsiveness to changes in housing wealth in these highly developed countries, characterised by particularly low housing transaction costs and efficient mortgage market. It was deduced that such characteristics lead to a higher wealth elasticity of demand for new houses.


Gabriela Lewandowska
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie

Michal Taracha
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie

Kamil Maciuk
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie

Svitlana Smolenska,
Hans-Dieter Nägelke
Architect Hans Poelzig: a project for Ukraine
59 – 72

Słowa kluczowe

Ukraine |Hans Poelzig’s project |international architectural competitions |modernism of the 1920s-1930s |theatre buildings


The paper examines one of the fragments of the creative heritage of the famous German architect Hans Poelzig: his competition project of the State Ukrainian Theatre of Mass Musical Action for 4000 seats for Kharkiv. The project is viewed through the prism of little-known competitive events of 1930, which makes it possible to decipher its architectural, compositional, urbanistic and functional ideas, to reveal its symbolism. The study is based on the architect’s original drawings preserved in the archive, primary sources of the early 1930s, biographical and critical works of other authors dedicated to the nominees of the Kharkiv competition, as well as on a comparative and meaningful analysis of architectural graphics and textual documentation.


Svitlana Smolenska
Charkowska Szkoła Architektury (Харківська школа архітектури), Ukraina

Hans-Dieter Nägelke
Technische Universität Berlin, Niemcy

Karen Azatyan,
Ruben Azatyan,
Anzhelika Manukian,
Mane Melikyan
A comparative analysis of the interrelation between the evolution in the structure of Armenian churches of the 4th-14th centuries and the three-layer “midis” masonry
73 – 104

Słowa kluczowe

Three-layer “midis” masonry |wall structure |medieval Armenian church structure |monolithic architecture |stone building structure |spatial integrity in architecture


The article touches upon the interrelations between the structural elements and the building structure in architecture. The aim of the work is to generalize the peculiarities of “midis” masonry formation and to reveal its influence in the evolution process of the structure of Armenian medieval churches by a comparative analysis of different characteristics. In the work: the development of three-layer “midis” masonry was systematized, the phenomenon of shell structure and spatial integrity in the churches of the 4th-14th centuries was highlighted, the tendencies of evolution of the masonry monolithic nature and church structure integrity were revealed by a comparative analysis of volumetric and planning characteristics of different churches. The results allowed to formulate a certain sequence of interactions in different characteristics, which confirmed the relationship between the evolution of the masonry and the structure of the churches: the evolution of “midis” masonry led to the structural monolithic nature of the walls and the forms derived from it, which in turn led to the integrity of the stone building structure. The results can be useful in further research covering structural-compositional interrelations, including both heritage and modern architecture studies.


Karen Azatyan
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Ruben Azatyan
“Azatyan” Architectural Studio, Armenia

Anzhelika Manukian
Sapienza Università di Roma, Włochy

Mane Melikyan
independent researcher
Politechnika Lubelska
e-ISSN 2544-3275
Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury
ISSN 1899-0665