Numer 18/3 (2019)
Redaktor: Wojciech Franus
Spis treści
Krzysztof Pawłowski
The analysis of energy-saving technologies used in buildings with low energy consumption
5 – 16

Słowa kluczowe

low-energy building |energy-saving technologies |external partitions |ther - momodernization of the building


Designing, constructing and using of buildings with low energy consumption are a complex process requiring knowledge of architectural design, construction physics and building systems with the use of renewable energy sources (RES). The article presents the legal bases and characteristics of low-energy buildings. Implementation of the binding technical requirements in the field of hygrothermal characteristics consists of monitoring numerous parameters of an entire building, and in particular of its partitions and their joints and building systems. Therefore, the paper presents calculations regarding determining the material systems of building partitions and building joints with the use of professional software. The main part of the article is to establish the impact of energy-saving technologies on the energy consumption of the newly designed buildings, but also of the buildings that are undergoing modernisation processes.


Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy

Szymon Ślósarz
Strengthening of the wooden structures
17 – 28

Słowa kluczowe

strengthening |wooden structures |degradation |durability |carbon fiber tapes |glued wood


The paper is a review of the literature on the strengthening of wooden structures. The strengthening methods are classified according to their purpose and specifics. The article deals with both traditional methods commonly used and modern methods involving the use of composite materials. The paper also includes description of studies on various strengthening methods as well as the presentation of their results. The author also refers to the causes of the loss of load bearing capacity, causes of wood degradation and wooden structures durability in relation to operating conditions.


Politechnika Lubelska

Monika Górka
Use of aluminium and glass facades in urban architecture
29 – 40

Słowa kluczowe

aluminium and glass façades |urban architecture |public utility buildings


As an element of structural and material solutions, aluminium and glass façades are the mainstay of urban architecture; they are especially used in public utility buildings. The article provides a review of architectural styles and trends of the 20th century, when exterior elevations began to take the form of aluminium and glass façades. It illustrates the main architectural trends of urban architecture in the 20th century and their evolution throughout the years. Furthermore, it specifies and refers to the architecture of the 20th and 21st centuries in Kraków and presents selected public utility buildings which have become an integral part of architecture in this city.


Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki

Jacek Karpiesiuk
Selection of floor heating by MCDA method
41 – 50

Słowa kluczowe

MCDA |lightweight underfloor heating |set of criteria |radiant floor heating


Using Multiple-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), the most favorable floor heating system of a detached house has been selected. The analysis also includes an assessment of the performance of this type of heating on small surfaces (up to 20m2). The choice was made among eight heating variants, adopting various systems available on the construction market powered by water or electricity, including traditional with "wet" screeds, "dry" screeds and lightweight floor heating systems without Screeds. From the set of 14 evaluation criteria, the eight most important ones were identified. Using the summed corrected indicator of mathematical analysis, it was assessed that the best variant is a lightweight floor water heating system on a reactive adhesive without screeds with aluminum foil.


Politechnika Białostocka

Bogdan Skorupa
The problem of GNSS positioning with measurements recorded using Android mobile devices
51 – 62

Słowa kluczowe

Android |GNSS |positioning


The current work presents the issue of determining the position of the observer using measurements registered with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers that Android mobile devices are equipped with. The discussed questions concern using GNSS measurement data, which have been made available in the Android system since version 7.0. The present paper has the character of a review. It demonstrates how measurement data can be obtained via Application Programming Interface. Moreover, it discusses the available software that can be for registering measurements and their initial analysis. Subsequently, it reviews scientific works concerning the problem of positioning with the use of smartphones. Special emphasis was placed on tests consisting in an analysis of phase observations registered using dual-frequency receivers. The summary of the article presents the prospects for using mobile devices in precise point positioning. It also points out the limitations to achieving high accuracy and reliability of such measurements.


Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie

Krzysztof Nepelski
Interpretation of CPT and SDMT tests for Lublin loess soils exemplified by Cyprysowa research site
63 – 72

Słowa kluczowe

CPT |SDMT |loess |constrained modulus


This paper presents an example of interpretation of in situ tests, CPT static sounding and seismic Marchetti dilatometer tests (SDMT). The studies were carried out on loess soils in Lublin. Four CPT tests and four SDMT seismic tests were performed. The method of deriving geotechnical parameters from in situ testing was described. In particular, the formulas for calculating the constrained modulus based on the cone resistance qc were analysed. Some of the parameters were interpreted with the use of proposed formulas. Values of deformation parameters determined with various methods for different strain ranges were compared.


Politechnika Lubelska

Ewa Dębińska,
Joanna Pałubska
Property price dependence from noise level on example of local real estate market
73 – 82

Słowa kluczowe

road noise |prices of residential premises |environmental factors


The research issues discussed concern the impact of the environmental factor on the level of real estate transaction prices. In the face of the dynamically developing road infrastructure but also the increase in the volume of car traffic, it is necessary to take into account the effects of these changes in the area of property appraisal. In the group of price-generating attributes should be taken into account the noise level, because in many cases it may prove to be the most important factor from the perspective of real estate buyers. The research was carried out on the example of housing properties located at the main communication artery of Krakow.


Ewa Dębińska
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie

Joanna Pałubska
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie

Dariusz Gaweł
New urban spaces - their heritage and creation
83 – 92

Słowa kluczowe

new urban space |city |Heritage |creation (creating)


The paper presents the subject of creating and shaping new urban spaces in the era of globalisation. The analysis of these spatial phenomena covers the biggest cities in the world, i.e. places where the problems of urban development occurs most often. The term ‘urban space’ is understood as a broad concept that goes beyond the defined public space. New places created in the cities are the human creations resulting from the life necessities and the cultural needs of people. The fast-changing living environment forces users to engage in the process of searching (sometimes even creating) of new, adequate places. Spatial activities transforming the urban environment more and more often reflect the local social initiatives’ activity. New relations between a user and the surrounding space are the basis for reviewing the existing division and definition of private, group and public space.


Politechnika Lubelska

Politechnika Lubelska
e-ISSN 2544-3275
Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury
ISSN 1899-0665