Numer 19/1 (2020)
Redaktorzy: Wojciech Franus, Tomasz Lipecki, Łukasz Borowski, Aleksandra Szczypa
Spis treści
Justyna Kobylarczyk,
Janusz Marchwiński
Pluralism of goals of proecological architecture
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.1443
5 – 14

Słowa kluczowe

pro-ecological architecture |green architecture |eco-friendly architecture |ecology in architecture |ecological goals in architecture


This article discusses selected concepts for defining the goals of modern pro-ecological architecture. It highlights a significant diversity of attitudes towards the issue of ecology in architecture. This clear pluralism of goals results from the priorities given to buildings and is the effect of emphasizing individual ecological problems to a various extent. In the present article, it has been demonstrated that two attitudes coexist today: the pro-environmental one and pro-humanistic one, with further variations occurring within the two approaches. Attention was also paid to the evolution of ecological goals in architecture, as well as to threats that may lead to its distortions under the influence of a narrow perception of these issues. The article is cognitive and is based on the analysis of the abovementioned attitudes. It aims at the organization of the knowledge and observations in this area. The authors recognize that a conscious and, above all, the apposite definition of ecological goals provides a foundation for creating architecture in line with the general concept of sustainable development. The authors are inclined to conclude that the contemporary model of a pro-ecological building should be based on balancing pro-humanistic and pro-environmental goals.


Justyna Kobylarczyk
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki

Janusz Marchwiński
Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania w Warszawie

Krzysztof Pawłowski,
Magdalena Nakielska
Selected factors that impact low-energy buildings (NZEB)
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.565
15 – 28

Słowa kluczowe

low-energy building |physical and energy parameters |legal requirements


The Directive 2010/31/EU introduces a new building standard (NZEB) in all member states of the European Union from 1.01.2021. In Poland, a low-energy building has been defined. The design, construction and use of such building is a complex process and requires knowledge of many aspects concerning building materials, general construction, building physics, installations, renewable energy systems and architectural design. Implementation of the current technical requirements in this area encompasses examining many parameters of an entire building but also of its external walls and joints. Defining them according to the applicable legal regulations and relevant standards evokes many questions and uncertainties regarding calculation procedures and interpretation of physical aspects. On the basis of conducted calculations and analyses, the authors have started a discussion on calculation methods in this field, proposing changes in legal regulations and calculation procedures.

The paper describes selected factors influencing low-energy buildings: physical parameters of building envelope elements, support of modern ventilation systems, energy performance parameters. The calculation part of the work concerns the analysis of physical parameters of the elements of low-energy building envelope and energy performance parameters of a buildings with consideration of energy saving and thermal insulation criteria. Formation of material systems of external walls and building joints requires taking into account innovative insulation materials and specific parameters of the air inside and outside of a building. The use of professional software for calculations and analyses provides reliable results.

Many coherent factors such as: architecture of a building, structural and material solutions of the external walls and their joints (elements of the building envelope), type and efficiency of the ventilation, central heating and hot water systems, use of renewable energy sources, integral management of the building in the field of energy production help to obtain optimal parameters of energy performance of the building and reduce emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere.


Krzysztof Pawłowski
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy

Magdalena Nakielska
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy

Agnieszka Augustyńska
Opportunities and threats for natural building using straw bale technology
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.739
29 – 38

Słowa kluczowe

straw bale |natural construction |natural materials |low energy construction |Recycling |CO2 emission


In this paper, the possibilities of using straw bale technology in construction, as well as the threats that limit both its development and dissemination, have been presented. This study has also investigated the use of recyclable waste and the role of recycling in natural construction, as well as the impact of CO2 reduction on pro-ecological activities. The characteristics of natural straw construction have been discussed, and the main features of straw bale technology have been presented. Examples of the implementation of straw bale technology in both Poland and Europe have been presented and the methods of their use have been described. An integral part of this study is an overview of the opportunities and threats of the use of straw bale technology in natural construction. Low-emission technologies using biodegradable materials as well as the possibility of building nZEB and passive buildings are indicated as main advantages of the technology.

The necessity of introducing legal regulations that would enable the development of natural construction using straw bale technology was indicated. Straw bale technology was created as a response to an ecological challenge for sustainable construction and has significant innovation potential.


Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy

Agnieszka Czajkowska,
Wioletta Raczkiewicz
Analysis of the structure of housing in Poland in the years 2009-2018
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.1349
39 – 46

Słowa kluczowe

housing in Poland |dwellings per 1000 inhabitants |real estate


The article presents an analysis of the housing situation in Poland against the background of European Union countries that took place in the last decade, i.e. in the years 2009 – 2018. The average number of dwellings per 1,000 inhabitants was analysed, the relationship between the number of dwellings and their area was determined, and the increase in the number of dwellings completed over the period was determined divided into flats: individual, cooperative, company and communal, as well as flats intended for sale or for rent.


Agnieszka Czajkowska
Politechnika Świętokrzyska

Wioletta Raczkiewicz
Politechnika Świętokrzyska

Nellya Leshchenko,
Valerii Tovbych
Reviving degraded monuments of fortification architecture – a potential for the development of small historical towns
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.906
47 – 54

Słowa kluczowe

revival |degraded monuments of fortification architecture |castle |cultural and tourist cluster


This article proposes a strategy for the revival of degraded monuments of fortification architecture as a source of the future small historical towns development in general and the improvement of their inhabitants life quality. The recommendations on how to adapt them to cultural and tourist clusters are discussed in detail in the project of Klevan Castle revival.


Nellya Leshchenko
Kijowski Narodowy Uniwersytet Budownictwa i Architektury, Ukraina

Valerii Tovbych
Kijowski Narodowy Uniwersytet Budownictwa i Architektury, Ukraina

Łukasz Szyszka
An experimental study of girder-borne sound pressure emission and acceleration
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.1442
55 – 62

Słowa kluczowe

SPL |vibroacoustics |modal analysis |acceleration |noise


The subject of this paper is an experimental study on girder-borne sound pressure emission. The sources of the excitation are a hammer and a modal shaker. The structure researched is a simply supported steel plate girder of the size: 7.95 m x 1.5 m. The study covers the acceleration and sound pressure level measurements (SPL), and SPL estimation based on the accelerations measured. The correlation factor for higher estimation accuracy in lower frequency bands is proposed.


Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza

Dariusz Dziubiński
Explicit and implied significance of contemporary public spaces. Part 1. Spaces of attractions
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.1592
63 – 82

Słowa kluczowe

public space |proxemics |have-nothing |matching |giving up


This text presents considerations encouraged by thoughts and conclusions gained from research on several beach bars and their comparison with other urban public spaces, run in Wrocław from 2018 to 2019. The similarities and differences between the two types of spaces provoke a question about the meaning of what we call „public spaces” today. The question is also asked, somewhat perversely, about the validity of following best practices based on proxemic principles and focused on attracting and retaining people in urban spaces. The paper examines not so much the rules but the purpose, in other words the type of space we receive/can achieve as a result of applying these principles, since people in the urban space (private or public) are only guests, while their choice is reduced to the top-down offer. The above doubt also results from the conclusion regarding the most important feature determining attractiveness of a beach bar space, which in my opinion, is the freedom of behaviour for users. In it we can see deficiencies of the prevailing narrative about our participation in space and, above all, the possibility of choice, or what should be called the limitations of choice – the lack of possession/self-agency. Such a situation, largely conditioned by politics (and economics), reduces public space to the role of a “space of attractions” (curiosities), whose action and participation is based on experiencing – on a direct experience. The clash of these two forces – standardization and individualization, erodes the current model of common spaces based on the historical (nineteenth century) one, whose images are transferred only in the form of empty clichés. Thus, the limitation of choices, the need to fall into line and appearances of a community lead to an escape upwards – enclaves for the chosen ones (omnitopia) and downwards – niches for the rebellious ones (heterotopia), while beach bars represent both ways of escape. Against this background, the purposefulness of expert/ top-down creation of public spaces, carried out in isolation from other essential values and laws, appears problematic.


Politechnika Wrocławska

Dariusz Dziubiński
Explicit and implied significance of contemporary public spaces. Part 2. Alternative spaces
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.1592
83 – 102

Słowa kluczowe

public space |experiment |control |self-determination |satisfaction |community


This paper is a continuation of deliberations on the meaning (sense) of public spaces. It refers to unofficial spaces for informal activities, which could be called informal alternative spaces or maybe even a bit exaggeratedly “spaces-of-resistance”. Their extremely important features include absence of control and lack of rules, which distinguish them from other spaces. The paramount advantage visitors gain from these places is the ability to give the space a meaning of their own, thus changing the user’s position from that of a mere user into the user in possession. It also changes his/her relation to the space which ceases to be only a ‘closed object’. It is brought into use, as it is created and linked only for the time of the actor-user’s (own) performance. The experimental character of the game leads to a reinterpretation of the meaning (or even necessity to change it) that the space has. Such an approach breaks with the patterns embedded in a collective imaginarium, which promote safe, comfortable behaviours – an unofficial, alternative space must be created each time from scratch, such space is a process. It is not treated as a product, it becomes a space of commitment – it becomes a political space, but as such, it is a challenge and thus it is interesting only for a few people. By meeting each other and being with others we fulfill our basic psychological need, but simultaneously we enter into different roles in a social game in which our own “win” often counts above all. Our private satisfaction can also be valued by a sense of community, collaboration, having something in common, and this obviously can bring benefits to everyone. However, without deeper thought practices that seek and provide best possible conditions for staying in space can lead to a certain inertia, which can turn into “algorithmization” in satisfying space users, specialized only in passive satisfaction of thoughtless users.


Politechnika Wrocławska

Pobierz cały numer
1 – 102
Politechnika Lubelska
e-ISSN 2544-3275
Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury
ISSN 1899-0665