Spis treści
INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Katarzyna Maniszewska Collegium Civitas, Warszawa, Polska Paulina Piasecka Collegium Civitas, Warszawa, Polska Renee Stillings Study, Research, and Custom Programs Abroad (SRAS), USA |
Daniel Markovic
A Constructivist Survey of Ukraine’s Ethnolinguistic Divisions in Historical Perspective
7 – 39
Słowa kluczowe Ukrainian history |Russian history |Russification |identity policy |securitizationStreszczenie This article seeks to fill a general gap in the literature on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict by analyzing the ethnolinguistic circumstances that have prefaced the outbreak of war. Starting with the Rus’, the origins of the East Slavs and their divergence into the modern Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian identities are traced in reference to historical geopolitics. The rise of nationalism and the mobilization of populations by elites along identity concerns are argued to have turned ethnolinguistic issues into a subject of state security for the first time. The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union are found to have employed Russification towards the end of internal security and modernization, whose outcomes have led to the divisions faced by Ukrainian society today. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Boston University, USA
Julia Stevermer
Famine and Boko Haram Terror: The Unexpected Spoils of Russia’s War on Ukraine
40 – 55
Słowa kluczowe Nigeria |war in Ukraine |Boko Haram |famine |terrorismStreszczenie The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused supply-chain disruptions and driven inflation and that threaten to plunge vulnerable regions into famine. The resulting famine is projected to disproportionately impact Nigeria, increasing the threat posed by Boko Haram. Existing literature on Boko Haram terrorism has been reviewed in addition to reports from non-governmental organizations, such as the World Food Programme and intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations. The famine is projected to facilitate domestic recruitment, weaken public faith in the state, and enable transnationalization. Domestic and international policy should be aimed at ensuring vulnerable populations remained fed while preempting and containing security threats. Aid may involve food distributions, cash transfers, and the provision of food in school programs. Domestic peacekeeping measures may include securing roadways and strengthening law enforcement and intelligence-gathering institutions. International peacekeeping may involve monitoring terrorist activity in cyberspace, developing intelligence-sharing structures, and coordinate border control efforts. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
University of Richmond, USA
Olivia Sessum
Economic Sanctions and Factors Inhibiting Success: An Analysis of Recent Sanctions Against the Russian Federation
56 – 70
Słowa kluczowe economic sanctions |Russian Invasion |UkraineStreszczenie This paper seeks to analyze why economic sanctions implemented in 2022 by the West have so far failed to succeed in pressuring the Russian Federation to withdraw its military forces out of Ukrainian territory by examining the factors that influence their effectiveness. The paper first provides a brief history of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the events leading up to the sanctions imposed on Russia in 2022. It then provides an overview of the sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014 as a means of comparison with those currently being implemented. The paper then identifies and analyzes the factors that contribute to the shortcomings of sanctions. Finally, the paper concludes by providing policy recommendations with the intention of making sanctions more effective. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
University of Kentucky, USA
Lénka Villela
Ukraine’s Security Service, SBU; Security Sector Reform, SSR in the post-Soviet bloc and role in Eastern European Security
71 – 89
Słowa kluczowe Security Sector Reform |Intelligence services |Ukraine’s Security ServiceStreszczenie This paper is derived from a case study of Ukraine’s Security Service (Служба безпеки України, СБУ). Through a comprehensive examination of Security Sector Reform, this paper will discuss its functionalities and aims in the intelligence and security services of Ukraine in the post-Soviet environment between 2014–2022. In addition, it examines the debates surrounding the Ukraine’s Security Service ’s role and re-integration in modern Eastern European security. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, USA
Słowa kluczowe Estonia |cybersecurity |Replicability |e-Governance |Cyber deterrenceStreszczenie Estonia is an excellent country to reference for cybersecurity lessons because of the country’s long history and global reputation for expertise in the field. There are three aspects of Estonia’s cybersecurity ecosystem that those hoping to learn from the country should examine. First is Estonia’s heightened perception of cybersecurity’s importance stemming from its post-Soviet restructuring, startups, and Russian threat. In general, this aspect is not replicable. The second aspect is cyber deterrence through international cooperation, which has limited replicability in European countries and other regions of the world. The third aspect is national cybersecurity agendas with specific and achievable goals. This aspect, with all it encompasses, can be replicated in a wide range of countries with varying economies and existing cybersecurity capabilities. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Stetson University, USA
Wendelin Hume
The Tribal Circle Process and the Potential for Positive Peace: A Focus on the Native American Experience in the United States
105 – 131
Słowa kluczowe Native American |sovereignty |Positive Peace |colonization |self-determinationStreszczenie This paper seeks to understand why the US Government has failed to move beyond negative to positive peace with Native Americans. It then proposes policies needed to enable the shift towards positive peace to occur. Violence and discrimination against Native Americans are legacies of the US history of racial injustice. The US has done very little to acknowledge the genocide of Native Americans or the myth of racial difference created to justify the “removal” of Native people from their lands and the forced assimilation of their children. Strengthening partnerships and sustaining engagement serve as linchpins to bring together the necessary resources, following a culturally appropriate model, to achieve Positive Peace and improve life outcomes for future generations. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
University of North Dakota, USA
Słowa kluczowe Guns |mass shootings |NRA |ConstitutionStreszczenie From the creation of the Constitution in 1787 to now, this paper seeks to explain gun culture in the United States and why such an importance is placed in the U.S. on the protections granted by the Second Amendment. The United States possesses the most civilian owned firearms, and that number has continuously increased over the last few years. In a country plagued by mass murders, especially in school settings, there is a lack of policy changes implemented to assist in keeping guns out of the hands of those who wish to do harm. This paper seeks to explain why firearms ownership has increased, why mass shootings have increased, and what can be done to ensure the number of mass shootings per year decreases, without infringing on the constitutional right to bear arms. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Florida State University, USA
Kateryna Hashuta
Environmental Security: the Case of the Pacific Island Countries and Dependent Territories
143 – 156
Słowa kluczowe climate change |environmental security |Pacific Island Countries |Dependant Territories |climate related migrationStreszczenie We live in a rapidly changing world that brings new challenges and discoveries every day. International security evolves with these changes in the modern world. Despite the many resources and efforts focusing on ongoing security issues, environmental security is an area of security that remains conceptually unclear and theoretically underdeveloped. Due to the significant impact it has in our lives, it is vital that this area of security receives critical attention. The case of the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and Dependant Territories (DTs) illustrate how the most fragile areas on earth suffer from the consequences of climate change and the challenges this manmade phenomenon poses to international security. This paper aims to contribute to the conceptual understanding of environmental security by examining the case of the Pacific Island Countries and Territories, who are struggling through a severe environmental crisis. It will also analyse the various threats to the security of the Pacific area looking comparatively at PICs and DTs, and conclude with policy recommendations. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Collegium Civitas, Warszawa, Polska