Numer 21 (4/2022)
Redaktorzy: Grzegorz Ptaszek, Siarhei Liubimau, Jacek Gądecki
Spis treści
Siarhei Liubimau
Platformization of Politics in Non-democracies: Spaces of Participatory Experiments In Belarus in 2020S
7 – 21

Słowa kluczowe

platformization of politics |digital platforms |urban politics |participation |housing |experiments |non-democracies


This paper’s focus is on the innovations in the urban public political agenda that are due to the interplay between participatory digital platforms, the socio-economic paths of specific urban environments, and long-term policy orientations on the national and urban levels. The context of the 2020 presidential elections in Belarus and the resulting boom of participation in the local and national political agendas is taken here as a particular configuration of the mentioned interplay and its outcomes. The first part of the paper focuses on the role of digital platforms in the studied boom of participation in 2020, the second documents the urban policy developments in Belarus during the period of 2015–2020, and the third reflects on the compatibility of the Belarusian case with wider discussions on the political impact that the spread of digital platforms has on urbanism. It is argued that the repressive state, the gradual marketization of urban development and the accompanying strengthening of urban dwellers’ economic autonomy, and the proliferation of commercial digital platforms and civic tech are the factors that have defined the studied politicization and the boom of participation in Belarus. The examined case shows the contours of emerging politics in non-democracies under conditions of ubiquitous digitalization and the pressure on the state’s redistributive capacities.


Europejski Uniwersytet Humanistyczny, Litwa
Elena Lebedeva
Role of Digital Tools in Community Management and Urban Participation (Evidence of Belarus)
23 – 35

Słowa kluczowe

online communication |local community |local self-government |neighborhood |“The Right to the City" |urban participation


This article is devoted to an analysis of the “hybrid neighborhood” phenomenon. Traditionally, a Soviet residential yard is presented in urban studies as the sphere of a neighbor’s active participation. The post-Soviet changes have significantly weakened the activities of neighbor communities; however, the spread of digital communication tools (social networks and messengers) has led to an increase in civic engagement in cities (new forms of neighboring communities are created, traditions of spending time together with neighbors revived, and individuals are actively involving in the struggle for their “place in the city”). The empirical materials that are analyzed reveal the features of neighbors interacting demonstrate the differences between “neighbor” and “civil” communication modes, define the role of online communities in local self-government, and practically implement the “right to the city.”


Białoruski Uniwersytet Państwowy w Mińsku

Alexei Krivolap
Creative Industries as Platform for Citizen Participation in Cultural Transformation of Minsk Urban Space
37 – 50

Słowa kluczowe

participation |cultural identity |creative industries |Belarus |urban culture |platform


Creative industries do not make revolutions in city planning but transform the ways of thinking about and practicing urban space development. In the context of Minsk, Belarus, creative industries are a part of the contemporary urban infrastructure transformation that is reestablishing the former Soviet urban space. The aim of this article is to document and analyze the ways that creative industries turn the urban spaces of Minsk into participatory platforms for cultural transformations. The development of these creative industries in Belarus has played a crucial role in transforming urban spaces into new inclusive cities. The distinctive feature of Belarusian creative industries is their embeddedness in the spaces of Soviet cities. Empirically, this text is based on the findings of a qualitative empirical study in the framework of grounded theory. The research seeks to understand the self-narrative and self-identification of the new creative class in Minsk (spring and summer 2018). The respondents were people who are involved in the process of developing creative industries in Belarus.


Białoruski Uniwersytet Kultury, Mińsk

Andrei Kalavur
How to Develop Connective Digital Platform for Urban Activism in Unfree Country: Case of “Robim Good” Project
51 – 59

Słowa kluczowe

platform |digital transformation |digital ecosystem |online participation |authoritarianism


This article aims to analyze the “Robim Good” project – a digital platform for sharing urban knowledge and info about upcoming local campaigns. A vacuum among urban initiatives was established in Belarus because of the repressive policy of the authoritarian regime. As a result, around 965 non-profit organizations have been shut down. Nonetheless, there was a demand from activists to create a safe managerial organization that focused on urbanism. The “Robim Good” project became a solution. The research question is as follows: what is the value orientation of the analyzed digital platform that attracts new participants? The paper applies the value-based approach in NGO engagement. The analysis shows that one of the main promoted values and key characteristics of the digital ecosystem is security, which is directed at overcoming the dangers of the unpredictable regime. Subsequently, “Robim Good” has been able to engage volunteers and survive after a year of activity.


Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, Czechy

Benjamin Duke
Shift in Balance: UK Perspective on Democratic Deficit Addressed by Participatory Turn and Gamification
61 – 75

Słowa kluczowe

participatory turn |gamification |participatory research |democratic deficit |participatory practices


This paper provides a conceptual theoretical review of participatory turn and gamification from a United Kingdom (UK) perspective. Democratic deficit is a perennial problem in urban-planning systems due to the number of causal factors. Participatory practices and gamification are two instruments that can be used to help alleviate low democratic responsiveness. The paper articulates how there are different ways of knowing and assessing community priorities and values – people need increased consciousness and self-confidence to participate. The UK case studies that are discussed have made a significant contribution by providing useful insights regarding the benefits and limitations of participatory practices and gamification. For example, ‘Participology’ and ‘Geogopoly’ have clear participatory gamification benefits even though they are unable to include decision-maker accountability or recreate real-life power relationships. This paper posits that the use of participatory practices and/or gamification as policy levers (specifically in UK urban-planning processes) will herald a shift in the balance of power.


University of Leicester, UK

Kuba Piotr Ruciński,
Piotr Lewandowski
Etyczne uzasadnienie zarządzania danymi medycznymi w perspektywie działań rozwojowych Unii Europejskiej
79 – 90

Słowa kluczowe

etyka w zarządzaniu danymi |RODO |dane medyczne |biobanki |Horizon Europe |European Health Data Space |EHDS |bezpieczeństwo danych


Nieustannie rozwijające się społeczeństwo europejskie aktywnie mierzy się z problemami etycznymi, dotykającymi każdej części życia. Tekst ma na celu zaprezentowanie problematyki zarządzania danymi medycznymi oraz zaproponowanie uzasadnienia dla tego obszaru działalności badawczo-rozwojowej z perspektywy Unii Europejskiej przy uwzględnieniu istniejących już wartości oraz podejścia filozoficznego. Na podstawie wybranych koncepcji prezentujących różne dziedziny filozofii oraz bioetyki artykuł prezentuje holistyczne i nowoczesne podejście do zagadnienia etyki w zarządzania danymi. Punktem wyjścia dla tego typu rozważań stała się teoria umowy społecznej T. Hobbesa, która omawia powinności człowieka wobec społeczeństwa oraz wolności przysługujących człowiekowi. Dyskurs analityczny został wsparty koncepcjami filozoficznymi L. Floridiego oraz A. Dawsona. Te dwa paradygmaty pomagają zakreślić nowoczesne problemy i terminologie, które starają się uchwycić zmieniające się aspekty technologiczne dzisiejszego świata.


Kuba Piotr Ruciński
Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania w Przemyśle „Orgmasz”

Piotr Lewandowski
Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania w Przemyśle „Orgmasz”

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
Gramatyka 8a
ISSN 2084-3364
Wydział Humanistyczny
30-071 Kraków