Numer 40 (4/2022)
Spis treści
Słowa kluczowe war |Ukraine |Russia |appeasementStreszczenie The 1938 Munich Agreement (Akehurst, 1972) by which the Allies allowed Adolf Hitler’s Germany to take the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia is also known as the Munich Betrayal or, to English speakers, as appeasement by Neville Chamberlain (Valladares, 2020). This historical moment reminds me very much of how the West has dealt with Russia since Vladimir Putin rose to power. Like Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin has been sending aggressive signals to his neighbours and Western nations (Putin, 2007) since his 2005 speech arguing that the collapse of the Soviet empire ‘was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the [20th] century’” (Putin, 2005). Note that he did not mention the Bloodlands that Timothy Snyder described, i.e. the killing of 14 million people in Central and Eastern Europe (Snyder, 2010), or World War II (Halloran, 2015) as the greatest catastrophe... INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
U.S. Army War College
Mohamed Zied Chaari,
Rashid Al-Rahimi, Otman Aghzout High power wireless power transfer for the future of the battlefield challenges
9 – 26
Słowa kluczowe Antenna |high power wireless power transfer |battlefield |RF-DC rectifier |rectennaStreszczenie A significant challenge for the military lab is to reduce the weight of a combatant’s battery on the battlefield. Soldiers use electronic devices powered by wearable batteries in landings, operational combat with the enemy, and defensive exercises. Soldiers should always fully charge their wearable batteries before carrying them. The average weight of the battery is approximately 20 kilograms. During military operations, fighters have numerous electronic devices, such as night-vision goggles, headphones, LMR, navigation systems, VHF radios, and sensors. There is a high probability that fighters will lose their lives if the battery they take is uncharged or empty. Many research studies have tried to increase fighting time and maintain soldier life and links based on these devices. In this work, a wireless power transmission system with an RF microwave station and RF/DC converter circuit incorporated into a bulletproof vest will be designed. This system can harvest RF microwave energy to recharge or energize the wearable battery during a military operation. The challenge here is to develop a compact device that can capture the maximum RF strength to charge batteries carried by soldiers. The proposed device therefore considers all parameters to provide sufficient energy to power a computer at 13 watts. The strength of the RF power varies with the distance between the microwave power station Pin = 100 W and the receiver circuit. INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Rashid Al-Rahimi Fab-Lab, Qatar scientific club Otman Aghzout Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Maroko |
Michael Minev Dimitrov
Analysis of strategic stakeholders in the Western Balkans
27 – 46
Słowa kluczowe weighted valued position matrix |“Open Balkan” initiative |convergence/divergence modelStreszczenie The purpose of this paper is to generate a model of the interplay between the main actors in the Western Balkans region in order to try to highlight major switch-factors and pathways for future evolution of the system. The study was carried out using MACTOR software developed by Laboratoire d’Investigation en Prospective, Stratégie et Organisation and École Pour l’Informatique et les Techniques Avancées. This computer-assisted method creates a hierarchy of objectives based on the mobilisation rates and gives some insight into what is at stake and the interested parties. The paper calculates the competitiveness index of each actor included in the model and the weighted valued position matrix showing both valence and mobilisation rate of actor-objective pairs. Valued convergence and divergence matrices (with graphic representation) outline the structure of the region. The results obtained can be used to develop possible scenarios. The structure of the Western Balkans region is subordinated to a single major divergence which is translated to the internal actors. Insulator states are losing relative weight with a narrowing field of manoeuvres. Bosnia and Herzegovina has become a focal point of polarity with a distinct vulnerability to the future line of behaviour of the Croatian element in the country. |
Khayal Iskandarov,
Piotr Gawliczek Economic coercion as a means of hybrid warfare: The South Caucasus as a focal point
47 – 57
Słowa kluczowe hybrid warfare |economic dependence |economic coercion |economic leverage |economic powerStreszczenie The rapidly changing security environment has brought a plethora of non-military measures to the fore. These measures have completely changed the nature of hostilities by giving them a hybrid character. With regard to the South Caucasus region, the chasm among the political courses pursued by particular states makes the overall region more susceptible to diverse external threats of a political, economic, military and cultural nature. This paper focuses on the economic component of the hybrid warfare in the South Caucasus region. The issues are considered from a security point of view and not from an economic perspective. The vulnerabilities of particular nations in the region to economic coercion are highlighted in the paper and suggestions for improving them made. The authors underscore the regional unity in the South Caucasus as a prerequisite for eliminating or at least mitigating economic dependence and healing the “regional fracture” that has lasted for decades. INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Khayal Iskandarov Milli Müdafiə Universiteti, Baku, Azerbejdżan Piotr Gawliczek Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie |
Fatime Balog,
Tibor Babos The role of citizens and geoinformation in providing alerts and crisis information to the public
58 – 74
Słowa kluczowe crowdsourcing |public alert and notification |volunteered geoinformation |digital humanitarian volunteer |crisis mappingStreszczenie Mankind has been facing constant threats and challenges from natural and civilisational disasters for centuries. The fundamental responsibility of states is to protect the lives, health, and property of their citizens. However, protection against natural and civilisational disasters is a complex task in which the population also has to take part, and the availability of geoinformation is a prerequisite for effective protection. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the combined power of both citizens and technology in the task of alerting and informing the public of the opportunities offered by virtual crowdsourcing, Web 2.0, the role of geoinformation, crisis maps, and drones through the application of a qualitative method, by analysing case studies and by searching for internal connections between different phenomena. Citizens around the world can collaborate and contribute to the sharing and collection of geoinformation to create real-time, interactive maps. These so-called crisis maps support intervention organisations in obtaining information, and they can also be used as sources of information. The use of Web 2.0, crisis maps and drones, as well as the emergence of digital humanitarian volunteering, have fundamentally changed the role of the public when it comes to responding to disasters, including alerting them using geoinformation. INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Tibor Babos Uniwersytet Świętego Stefana (Szent István Egyetem), Węgry |
László Ujházy
The evolution of the Hungarian Defence Forces’ volunteer reserve component after the Cold War
75 – 86
Słowa kluczowe comprehensive approach |Hungarian Defence Forces |citizen soldier |volunteer reserve componentStreszczenie When Hungary transformed to an all-volunteer force in 2004, most attention was given to the regular component and very little mention was made of reservists. The main goal of this study is to draw attention to the importance of, and the potential, in the reserve component using historical research to produce an overview of how the reserve component of the Hungarian Defence Forces has evolved since the end of the Cold War. Information was collected and analysed from the discussed time period and interpretations were made of the collected evidence through systematic methods appraising all available studies to synthesise the findings. Similarly to other countries in the region, more than a century of conscription and the Warsaw Pact legacy still haunts the Hungarian Defence Forces. Fortunately, Hungary’s NATO membership spearheaded the drive for qualitative change within the armed forces and more attention was paid to a volunteer reserve system. Hungary’s NATO membership has ushered in a new era of security guarantees and obligations which, among other things, brought with it the realisation that the time for qualitative change in the armed forces had come. Among other changes, an initial shift of emphasis towards a reserve system – followed by the adoption of the all-volunteer force model – made it clear that a new basis had to be provided upon which to address the reserve issue in Hungary. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE |
Przemysław Gasztold
Review: Makram Rabah (2020), Conflict on Mount Lebanon. The Druze, the Maronite and Collective Memory
87 – 90
Aleksandra Radomska
Review: Radosław Bielawski (2022), Potęgometryczny wymiar militaryzacji kosmosu
91 – 94
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego, Warszawa
Andrzej Karol Juros
Review: Włodzimierz Piątkowski (2020), From Medicine to Sociology: Health and Illness in Magdalena Sokołowska’s Research Conceptions
95 – 107