Numer 8 (2/2021)
Redaktorzy: Barbara Stelingowska, Konrad Zielonka
Spis treści
Cyprian Kraszewski
Problematyka kłamstwa a pragmatyczny nurt w edukacji. Analiza dzieła pedagogicznego Bolesława Kaprockiego Kłamstwo w szkole
9 – 25

Słowa kluczowe

edukacja |kłamstwo |szkoła |Bolesław Kaprocki


Kłamstwo w szkole Bolesława Kaprockiego z 1938 roku jest książką prawie nieznaną, nigdy niewznawianą. O samym autorze również niewiele wiadomo. Nie doczekał się on nigdy notki w żadnej encyklopedii, z wyjątkiem krótkiego artykułu biograficznego autorstwa Antoniego Smołalskiego. Praca Kaprockiego mogłaby jednak być inspiracją dla współczesnej pedagogiki, szczególnie w kontekście nauczania eksperymentalnego...


The problem of lies and pragmatic movement in education. Analysis of Boleslaw Kaprocki’s books, "School’s lies"


education |pragmatism |lie |school |animism |child’s imagination |the deliberate lie of the student


Bolesław Kaprocki was teacher in the 1930s and after II World War. In 1938, he wrote „School’s lies”. This book was never reprinted. His academic achievement are almost unknown.

In „School’s lies” Kaprocki describes the problem of lies committed by students. He studies the social and biological origins of lies. He distinguish 2 types lies: unthruth and lie of will. The child’s false statements under the influence of animism are of an „untruth” type. „Lie of will” is commited consciously and accompanied by specific goal. A lie must be considered individually and socially. The most common source of lies is fear of the consequences.

The author of the article analizes the problem of lie and Kaprocki’s pedagogical program from a pragmatic perspective, pedagogical trend and philosophical position represented by John Dewey.

In pragmatic philosophy, the approach to thuth is flexible. Generally, utility is the measure of truth. This flexibility has its limits. Dewey analysed objective historical and social processes. According to Dewey, when social system change, the awareness of society changes. Magical thinking in primitive people helps them explain natural processes. In the course of social and economic development, magical thinking is replaced by science. A similar evolution concerns the development of the child’s cousciousness.

Kaprocki was much inspired by Dewey’s pragmatism and idea of experimental teaching. He postulated an individual approach to the student. He took into account the student’s interests, imagination and his intellectual, moral and biological development. A similar method should detect lies.

Kaprocki proposes solutions to counteract lies. He examines the impact of different types of punishment. He rejects corporal and natural punishment. He proposes „a moral punishment”. Punishment should appeal to conscience and stimulate moral development. Enforcing this punishment requires consistent bahavior of the educator. Teacher must possess authority.

Kaprocki also touched upon the problem of racial segregation. According to Kaprocki, the course of intellectual development is different in representatives of various races. This creates conflicts among the students. This problem is moral if we accept Herbart’s assumption that the development of intelligence determines morality.


Uniwersytet Gdański

Anna Falkowska
Ogrody społecznościowe jako forma edukacji ekologicznej wśród inicjatyw lokalnych – unikalność łączenia pedagogiki z ekologią w ramach obchodów Jubileuszu APS
27 – 41

Słowa kluczowe

edukacja ekologiczna |pedagogika |ekologia |ogrody społecznościowe


Wychowanie wśród otoczenia przyrodniczego wpływa na kondycję psychiczną człowieka. Życie wśród zielonych obszarów pozwala uspokoić układ nerwowy dzięki dużej odległości od hałasu, spalin i innych negatywnych skutków urbanizacji. Z tego powodu tworzenie ogrodów społecznych w obecnych czasach może mieć podwójny wymiar edukacyjny. Nie tylko będzie angażować społeczność lokalną do partycypacji na rzecz ochrony środowiska, tworzenia miejsc spotkań (integracji i wzmacniania więzi interpersonalnych), ale również wzmocni konieczność ochrony środowiska...


Community gardens as a form of environmental education among local initiavites – the uniqueness of combining pedagogy with ecology as a part of The Maria Grzegorzewska University jubilee celebration


ecological education |community gardens |social initiatives |pedagogy |social bonds


In the urban space we can see less and less elements of animate and inanimate nature. The dominance of skyscrapers, office buildings, and large-scale shopping malls contributes to limiting the development of children and adults in the natural environment. Limited green areas, prevent contact with the ecosystem. The remaining few Family Allotment Gardens located for example in Warsaw, as well as the establishment of community gardens on the initiative of local residents, can be a form of creating social bonds and an ecological awareness. Through this kind of participation for environmental protection, we can educate children, youth and adults about the need to raise the level of environmental issues. The article presents qualitative research consisting of the analysis of documents concerning local initiatives disseminated in the mass media and on the websites of local, non-governmental bodies. Not every person is looking for such information, so not everyone understands the need to preserve green areas and the possibility of integration and popularization of knowledge in the field of environmental protection.

The article will also present the works of The Maria Grzegorzewska University students who were to design a garden located at educational institutions. Ideas of students will be presented in the photographs.

The subject matter is undoubtedly necessary to show among educators the relationship between the city – the individual – society, for example upbringing in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Teaching about ecology at the Maria Grzegorzewska University at the department of Education for Sustainable Development may be an example combining pedagogy with ecology, as part of the APS Jubilee celebrations.


Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej, Warszawa

Barbara Sitko
Wegetarianizm ekologiczny jako ratunek dla klimatu i środowiska. Wybrane problemy i kierunki proekologicznych działań
43 – 57

Słowa kluczowe

klimat |ekologia |wegetarianizm |środowisko |kryzys klimatyczny |aktywność proekologiczna |trzeci sektor |organizacje pozarządowe


Żyjemy w świecie, w którym musimy się nieustannie mierzyć z różnymi problemami społecznymi. Jednym z nich jest postępujący kryzys klimatyczno-ekologiczny, za który odpowiada przede wszystkim działalność człowieka, często jednak nieświadomego tego problemu i jego wymiaru. Tymczasem nadmierna ingerencja ludzi w środowisko naturalne i nieprzemyślane poczynania w obszarze eksploatacji Ziemi mogą przynieść fatalne skutki, zarówno w niedalekiej przyszłości, jak i w perspektywie długoterminowej...


Environmental vegetarianism as a rescue for the climate and the environment. Selected problems and directions of pro-ecological activities


third sector |ecological vegetarianism |climate and ecological crisis |pro-ecological activities |social campaigns |non-governmental organizations


In times of the current climate and ecological crisis, actions to counteract the problems that generate it are extremely important. The purpose of this chapter is to analyze issues related to vegetarianism from an ecological perspective and to show that a plant-based diet, or one that restricts the consumption of meat and dairy products, is to some extent a salvation for the climate and the environment. This chapter has three main parts. The first deals with the most important issues related to vegetarianism, both in the context of diet and in the ethical dimension, such as the excessive exploitation of animals by humans and cruelty towards them, which is the starting point for further analysis. After that the chapter focuses on the issues of factory farming and consumption of animal products on a large scale. It presents a number of environmental and climate problems caused by these issues. These matters are discussed primarily as part of the analysis of scientific research in this area. On this basis, it was found, that if people do not follow the current recommendations to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products, it will make other measures to prevent the advancing climate and ecological crisis ineffective. The last part of the chapter deals with the actions that the third sector is taking to solve these problems. This is illustrated by the example of two non-governmental organizations – Otwarte Klatki and Greenpeace. The chapter highlights the fact that such organizations can encourage positive behaviors and attitudes by promoting a plant-based diet, and may play an important role in terms of systemic change. Moreover, it is signaled that their social campaigns concerning the promotion of a menu excluding meat constitute one of the directions of pro-ecological activities in this context.


Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

Jolanta Gałecka
Bieda jako czynnik wymuszający pozytywne innowacje w edukacji. Prezentacja innowacyjnych projektów edukacyjnych ze slumsów Brazylii i Indii
59 – 81

Słowa kluczowe

Brazylia |Indie |edukacja |pedagogika


„Bieda to stan osoby, której brakuje zwykłej lub społecznie akceptowalnej ilości pieniędzy lub dóbr materialnych” (Encyclopaedia Britannica 2019: par. 1). Stan taki nie jest z reguły kojarzony z innowacyjnością czy godnymi naśladowania rozwiązaniami. Gdy w 2014 roku autorka artykułu miała po raz pierwszy możliwość przyjrzenia się wybranym projektom edukacyjnym w slumsach brazylijskich, kierowała się zwykłą ciekawością. Nie spodziewała się znaleźć tam wartych przeniesienia na grunt polski przykładów praktyk edukacyjnych...


Poverty as a Factor Forcing Positive Innovations in Education. Presentation of Innovative Educational Projects from the Slums of Brazil and India


storytelling |poverty |literacy |constraints |innovative pedagogy |communities in education |holistic education |Education in India |Katha |Natya Shastra


Jolanta Gałecka proposes a slightly different view on poverty – as a limiting factor for the circumstances related to the compulsory nature of education, taken for granted. Giving some examples of innovative educational projects from her own experience, she describes in detail one of the most interesting projects in an Indian slum that she had the opportunity to observe. In this project, over 10 million children had the opportunity to experience the joy of reading. They were often children who did not go to school only a few months ago. In environments where families cannot afford to 'waste' a few hours a day at school – which is exactly how their parents often perceive this time, going to school is not always the norm. During the 6 or 8 hours that would be spent in school, you can earn a few cents, which is often more important than a boring and "who-knows-what-for" school education. In such conditions, the assumptions, indisputable in the developed countries, such as compulsory education, universal usefulness or the necessity of education, and the general acceptance of the obviousness of school, disappear. If someone wants to have children go to school, he or she has to look at school from a completely different perspective – look at the children, their needs and the environment from which they come. As a result, some projects are being created that are also worth imitating in European schools. One of them is the pedagogical approach of Geeta Dharmarajan, the founder of the Katha organization, invented over 30 years ago and developed in the student community and in cooperation with it. Katha has been teaching children the joy of reading, the joy of development and the joy of being in school for 33 years. The joy of reading, or rather the will to provide it to all the children in India, is a consistently implemented keynote of all activities carried out by Geeta. The real key to success, however, was not to provide books (Katha has already published over 300 different titles), but to understand the needs of local communities and work closely with them.


Uniwersytet Gdański

Michaela Zormanová
II wojna światowa w polskich i czeskich podręcznikach do literatury. Porównanie lektur w podręcznikach dla szkół podstawowych i średnich
83 – 99

Słowa kluczowe

literatura |II wojna światowa |Czechy |Polska |podręczniki


Jak przedstawia się kwestia II wojny światowej w czeskich i polskich podręcznikach literatury? Jakie tematy są najczęściej poruszane i jak są pokazywane koleje życia ludzi? Wymienione tematy zostaną rozpatrzone za pomocą analizy dyskursu oraz analizy komparatywnej. Materiały przeanalizowane na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu to podręczniki szkolne znajdujące się na liście opracowań przeznaczonych do edukacji literackiej, zalecanych przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Republiki Czeskiej, oraz na liście dopuszczonych do użytku przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej w Polsce. W badaniach uwzględniono wyłącznie książki służące do nauczania literatury...


The Second World War in Polish and Czech literature textbooks


literature |II World War |Czech Republic |Poland |school books


Czech and Polish literature textbooks are analyzed by methods of discourse analysis and comparative analysis to receive and the image they contain about such an important and tragic event as II World War. The analyzed materials are books from the list of school textbooks for literature education recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and from the list of textbooks approved for school use by the Ministry of National Education in Poland. There were selected textbooks which includes mentioned topic.

II World War is described in many different ways in Polish and Czech literature and the reading lists related to the topic are longer than for any other topic. I paid attention to the similarities and differences between the Czech and Polish texts. The main difference is that in the case of Polish textbooks, the topic is already included in the first grade, and in the case of Czech textbooks, students will get to know the topic for the first time in the fifth grade.

What connects us is the description of the tragedy of war and its destructive impact on the people, the horror of concentration camps, the thread of battle and rebellion, which is more important in Polish literature, where there is an equality sign between participation in war and patriotism. The topics differ depending on the reality and events of course, in Polish textbooks students will learn about the Warsaw Uprising, in Czech – will leran about the events after the Operation Anthropoid, the so-called Heydrichiad. The comparison of the textbooks also shows a different approach to participation in the war of the Soviet Union. Czech texts are also distinguished by the use of grotesque.


Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Czechy

Agnieszka Kopacz
Cyfrowe projekty w praktyce polonistycznej
101 – 117

Słowa kluczowe

dydaktyka |polonistyka |projekt


W ciągu ostatniej dekady wielokrotnie podkreślano skuteczność oraz atrakcyjność metody projektu. Wiązało się to między innymi z jego obligatoryjną realizacją na etapie gimnazjalnym – uczniowie, zazwyczaj w drugiej klasie, mieli obowiązek wykonać pracę pod opieką wybranego nauczyciela. To z kolei przełożyło się na liczne opracowania metodyczne związane z tą metodą, choćby Jacka Strzemiecznego Jak organizować i prowadzić gimnazjalne projekty edukacyjne. Poradnik dla dyrektorów, szkolnych organizatorów i opiekunów projektów (2010) czy Agnieszki Mikiny i Bożeny Zając Metoda projektów w gimnazjum. Poradnik dla nauczycieli i dyrektorów gimnazjów (2010)...


Digital projects in Polish language practice


Polish language |creativity |Polish language education |didactics |project


Even though distance learning intensified the tools, unfortunately, school practice shows that it is used as an analogue of analog instruments. The student is still not the creator, but only recreates the content learned in the lesson. There is not enough space in the classroom – stationary and remote office – to recover digital tools. The introduction of this type of activity is not easy – it is introduced with the need to fully use the area of application, methods, it also gives student and teachers development.

The paper deals with one of the methods that enable creative and creative thinking – a project and how to implement it in Polish lessons. In the first part, the author presented a theoretical approach (research to date, strength) along with a methodical commentary and the purposefulness of using the method of working in the lessons. The details of the experience of the project and the benefits of its implementation were detailed. The author, as a working practitioner, shows in her observations on the specifics of the subject, corrections, possible modifications and supplements to existing studies.

The second part is practical – it shows how to effectively implement a project at school, as well as examples of student work with an overview. The emphasis is on the appropriate sparring tools and what to consider in the planning plan. It shows where to look for inspiration and good practices, which can be expected for young teachers.

The paper is not a compendium of knowledge about Polish studies projects. The most important issues, questions, questions that arise in connection with remote education and presents examples of – often proven – solutions. Non-standard observations are the added value of the text, look at the theory from the point of view of the everyday teacher at school.


Uniwersytet Gdański

Anna Jasiulewicz
Konwergencyjny charakter pytań jako jeden z inhibitorów twórczości
119 – 134

Słowa kluczowe

kreatywność |dydaktyka |szkoła |pedagogika


W drugiej połowie XX wieku rozpoczęła się era społeczeństwa informacyjnego, która wymaga od ludzi permanentnego uczenia się, aby mogli oni nadążyć za dynamicznymi przemianami rzeczywistości. Świat znalazł się w zupełnie innej formacji kulturowej, w której rewolucja technologiczna sprawiła, że wiedza ludzkości wykracza poza możliwości poznawcze jednostek, a równocześnie jest dostępna na wyciągnięcie ręki (Dorczak 2019: 26). Zygmunt Bauman (2007) zwrócił uwagę na to, że „płynna nowoczesność” (Bauman 2006: 24) charakteryzuje się dynamiczną zmiennością i nieprzewidywalnością...


The convergent nature of tasks as one of the inhibitors of creativity


creativity |didactics |school |pedagogy |textbooks


Creativity is the area of interest of many scientific disciplines, including psychology, sociology and pedagogy. Within each of these sciences, the biggest attention is paid to the essence of getting to know the creative process and ways to develop it. In the case of education, the need to develop creativity is written in every educational document. However, in order to strengthen and support creativity, it’s necessary to know the mechanisms that have negative effect of limiting it. Any, even the most creative, teaching method can be ineffective if it comes with inhibitors that the educator may not even know about. In the literature, inhibitors are defined as any factor that blocks, inhibits or limits the development of creative processes. In the psychology of creativity, four types of inhibitors have been described. Within each of them, there are those, that result from ineffective methods of didactic work. The knowledge that students receive is barren, it doesn’t provoke thought and it doesn’t encourage them to look for answers by their own. Education is focused on the amount of memorized knowledge and not on the ability to formulate problems. The nature of the tasks often prevents the beginning or full development of the creative process. As the research results show, the tasks that students give are most often of a convergent nature and accept only one correct answer or only one solution. This problem is not only at the level of higher education, but also appears in the first grades of primary school and even in kindergarten. It would seem that the reason of this problem is the teacher's work and teaching methods, but students can also deal with this way of formulating instructions in school textbooks. The study of one of the textbooks used in the first grade of primary school, in terms of the nature of the tasks it contains, is just one example of what pedagogy of creativity is struggling today. Because if from in early age we don’t teach children to ask questions and search for results by their own, we can’t speak of effective creative education at all.


Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Magdalena Koperska
Dziecko jako twórca. Wpływ procesu twórczego na rzeczywistość dziecka na przykładzie realizacji projektu dziewczyńskiego „Teatru Mocy”
135 – 150

Słowa kluczowe

teatr społeczny |twórczość dziecięca |Teatr Mocy


Sztuka coraz częściej wykorzystuje swój potencjał emancypacyjny, przekraczając funkcję estetyczną na rzecz demokratyzacji twórczości oraz podkreślenia swojego związku z rzeczywistością. Taka sztuka zaangażowana społecznie przedstawia twórczy dialog człowieka ze światem, sytuację komunikacyjną, której nie można ani posiąść, ani skonsumować, jednak można jej doświadczyć (Bourriaud 2012). Oddanie głosu zwykłym ludziom, które ma miejsce między innymi na polu twórczości teatralnej, wiąże się z odzyskaniem prawa do mówienia we własnym imieniu przez grupy dyskryminowane...


The influence of the creative process on the child’s reality based on the example of the girls’ project "Theater of Power"


social change |social theatre |children’s creativity |girls’ empowerment


Cultural institutions become more and more open to the implementation of inclusive projects aimed at a large and constantly expanding group of recipients-creators. The potential of amateur creativity has also been noticed in the field of theater activity, and thus the understanding of art as a sphere in which only professional artists have a voice has been surpassed. The idea of a theater devoted to children's imagination was anticipated in Poland by a patron of theatre pedagogy, Jan Dorman. Children's theater, drawing on the natural creativity of a child, the unlimited potential of his imagination and the tendency to play, places in the center of the creative process a child, who is not only a performer or spectator, but a committed author of activities – theatrical events. Playing the theater becomes a space for the child's participation, in which his voice has the driving force. Through art, creating an imaginary world, and thus moving in the world of fiction, the young artist develops skills that are necessary for full participation in real social life. Socially engaged theater is based on the assumption that art can be a common act because it is a dialogical meeting in which everyone can express themselves. Theater provokes both reflection and action, it presents a creative dialogue between man and the world. Art understood in this way transcends its aesthetic function, focusing on the process that its creators go through and the change it causes, which goes far beyond the theatrical event. The Girls' „Theater of Power” is an example of theatrical work in which the participation of girls was at the core of all activities. By following the creative potential and unlimited imagination of children, it became possible to get to know their worlds and learn sensitivity to the environment from them. The girls reflected on the school reality and, using the tools of the theater, created an alternative „School for Children”. As a result of this cooperation, the voices of the participants were manifested in a project of the world which was not only directed at children but also created by children.


Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Karolina Chyła
Szkoła totalna i karnawał żakowski. O Syzyfowych pracach jeszcze inaczej
151 – 167

Słowa kluczowe

Stefan Żeromski |szkoła |Syzyfowe prace |karnawał |szkoła totalna


„Jeżeliby przyrównać system szkoły rosyjskiej w Klerykowie do maszyny, to profesora Nogackiego trzeba by nazwać jednym z najgłówniejszych jej kół zębatych” (Żeromski 1990: 109) – tak narrator Syzyfowych prac widzi i opisuje reprezentanta nader nielicznej grupy, jaką są w powieści tak zwani dobrzy, czyli po prostu sprawni, nauczyciele. Szkoła-maszyna działa ciężko, ze zgrzytem, a równocześnie trudno nad tym obrazem przejść do porządku...


Total school and carnival of students. Another thing about Sisyphus works


Stefan Żeromski |school |Syzyfowe prace |carnival |total institution


This paper is an attempt at an untraditional reading of one of Stefan Żeromski’s widely known novels, Syzyfowe prace. In most cases this work is interpreted as a representation of cruel trials which boys and young men in 19th century Poland had to experience inside a tsarist highschool, where they were not permitted to use their mother tongue and fell prey to severe persecution due to their nationality. However, in this article a Russian highschool in a provincial Polish town, so eloquently and vividly portrayed by Żeromski, is recognized as a form of a total institution, one of those described by Erving Goffman. Permanent supervision and systemic violence is simply inherent to that place, any national issues notwithstanding.

Despite being so objectified and oppressed, students find some strategies of rebellion that enables them to live through this degrading experience. To analyze these forms of subversive protest, I use Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of carnival and the culture of laughter.


Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Małgorzata Gajak-Toczek,
Joanna Brońka
„Do nauczycielskich powinności należy projektowanie dialogu między różnymi tekstami kultury” – z dr hab. prof. UŁ Małgorzatą Gajak-Toczek rozmawia Joanna Brońka
171 – 181


Małgorzata Gajak-Toczek
Uniwersytet Łódzki

Joanna Brońka
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie

Emilia Chronowska
Mobbing i dyskryminacja w środowisku pracy funkcjonariuszy Służby Więziennej
185 – 203

Słowa kluczowe

dyskryminacja |mobbing |Służba Więzienna |funkcjonariusz


Każde miejsce pracy i jego środowisko, którego nieodłącznym elementem jest czynnik ludzki, a także wszelkie interakcje międzyludzkie, niesie ze sobą ryzyko wystąpienia zjawiska mobbingu. Zarządzanie to przede wszystkim praca z ludźmi. Zgodnie z twierdzeniami klasyka współczesnych nauk o organizacji, Petera Druckera, celem zarządzania jest współdziałanie osób w sposób pozwalający na zneutralizowanie słabości oraz maksymalne wykorzystanie talentów oraz atutów uczestników. Bez wątpienia te poglądy niosą ze sobą ogromne wyzwania dla kierownictwa. Nabierają również szczególnego znaczenia w odniesieniu do instytucji takich, jak Służba Więzienna, a także wszystkich służb mundurowych. Jest to związane ze specyficzną i pod wieloma względami odrębną od innych kategorią organizacji...


Mobbing and discrimination in the work environment of Prison Staff


discrimination |Prison Service |officers |mobbing |occupational hierarchy


Emilia Chronowska in the paper Mobbing and discrimination in the work environment of Prison Staff offers an analysis of the phenomenon of inequality in the treatment of prison officers and employees. Bullying and discrimination can occur in any organisation with an inherent human factor and associated human interactions. These phenomena imply a kind of crisis in the organizational unit, which can escalate and disrupt cooperation or make it impossible to carry out official tasks. The article presents the problem of mobbing and discrimination in uniformed services, in particular in the Prison Service. The aim of the study was to present and discuss selected factors that have a dominant influence on the occurrence of the above-mentioned undesirable behaviours among officers and between an officer and a superior. The author used data obtained from research conducted in the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź on mobbing and aggression in the Prison Service. The author has also used the experience of the Ombudsman concerning anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination procedures in the uniformed services, collected in the form of analysis and recommendations. The content of the article presents the most important reasons for the occurrence of mobbing and discrimination in organisational units, presents the dimension of the consequences of the occurrence of these phenomena for officers, the organisational unit, as well as for the efficient and effective ensuring of the realisation of statutory tasks and functions of the Prison Service. The occurrence of mobbing and discrimination in Prison Service organisational units harms the interest of the Service itself, its good name and does not contribute to building a positive image of the formation.


Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy

Katarzyna Kamińska
Ewolucja stosunków prawnych między rodzicami a dziećmi w polskim prawie rodzinnym
205 – 220

Słowa kluczowe

prawa dziecka |autorytet rodzica |prawa ojca |polskie prawo rodzinne


Relacje między rodzicami a dziećmi to jeden z najważniejszych i coraz częściej podejmowanych w nauce problemów. Władza rodzicielska, jako instytucja prawa rodzinnego, obejmuje prawa i obowiązki rodziców względem dziecka. Zarówno w doktrynie, jak i orzecznictwie trafnie zwraca się uwagę, że obowiązki rodzicielskie mają pierwszeństwo przed uprawnieniami. Wynika to z przemian prawa rodzinnego zmierzających do pełnej ochrony praw dziecka. Fakt ten potwierdza orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego stanowiące, że ,,władza rodzicielska […] to przede wszystkim zespół obowiązków rodziców względem dziecka. Uprawnienia rodziców w stosunku do dziecka są niejako wtórnym składnikiem tej władzy” (III CZP 46/75, 1976)...


The evolution of relationships between parents and children under Polish legal system


children’s rights |parental authority |parental equality |joint custody |fathers’ rights |divorce |separation


Katarzyna Kamińska in the paper The evolution of relationships between parents and children under Polish legal system provides some remarks on the child’s right to maintain personal relationships and direct contact with both parents and its protection in Polish family law. The Author discusses an outdated view of equality where the mother is to take the main responsibility for the children instead of both parents sharing the responsibility. The paper focuses on presenting the academic and practical issues connected with caring for children after parental separation. In a perspective of eradication of gender discrimination, the parental authority should be equally shared by two parents. The Author analyses the child’s right to both parents, among other things, in the Polish Constitution (1997), Polish Family and Guardianship Code (1964) and Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), and also indicates an important role of a children’s ombudsman. It points to crucial role of the child welfare. Although under Polish law, there are no clear legal regulations concerning joint custody in Poland, there is no doubt that family courts in Poland may issue their decision allowing such solution. This institution has not been regulated expressis verbis in the Polish family law yet. However, current provisions do not preclude de lege lata such a manner of exercise of parental authority. Among the judgments where the exercise of parental authority was awarded to both parents, there is an increasing number of those, where joint physical custody over a child is adjudicated. In foreign legal systems, the rule is to maintain parental authority of both parents in divorce rulings. Exception is awarding the exercise of parental authority to one of the parents, restricting the parental authority of the second parent to specific rights and duties in relation to the child. This corresponds to stronger and stronger belief at the international forum that such an arrangement is the most appropriate for the best interest of the child.


Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Rachela Antosz-Rekucka
Wpływ samobójstwa i samobójstwa wspomaganego na przeżywanie żałoby przez pozostawionych
221 – 235

Słowa kluczowe

żałoba |samobójstwo |samobójstwo wspomagane |stygmatyzacja


„Żałoba jest rozumiana jako reakcja emocjonalna – najczęściej związana z przeżywaniem smutku, żalu, złości, bezradności – która jest odpowiedzią na śmierć osoby bliskiej” (Janusz & Drożdżowicz 2013: 45). Jest przy tym reakcją absolutnie normalną, naturalną i przemijającą (Beder 1998; Swarte, van der Lee, van der Bom, van den Bout & Heintz 2003; Shear, Simon, Wall, Zisook, Neimeyer, Duan, Reynolds, Lebowitz, Sung, Ghesquiere, Gorscak, Clayton, Ito, Nakajima. Konishi, Melhem, Meert, Schiff, O’Connor, First, Sareen, Bolton, Skritskaya, Mancini & Keshaviah, 2012). Choć więc wiąże się z cierpieniem psychicznym, niekiedy bardzo intensywnym, nie ma w niej jako takiej, nic patologicznego...


The Influence of Suicide and Assisted Suicide on the Bereavement of Suicide Survivors


suicide |assisted suicide |suicide survivors |grief |bereavement |stigmatization


Suicide is still one of the most stigmatized types of death, arousing controversy. There exists its special type: assisted suicide in which a one kills themselves with the help of another person. It is very interesting to compare the psychological consequences of these two forms of death for the suicide survivors – that is, the relatives of the ones who took their own lives. While there are many similarities between suicide and assisted suicide, certain "technical differences" between them can significantly affect the later functioning of the survivors. In the case of "ordinary" suicide, we distinguish factors that make it difficult to survive bereavement, while assisted suicide may sometimes also have a facilitating effect on this process. The literature review shows that suicide survivors experience a higher sense of guilt (exacerbated by sometimes felt relief), anger, abandonment and responsibility, and lower support and acceptance than the relatives of other deceased. Interestingly, they do not necessarily suffer from mental disorders more often, but they are more stigmatized and feel the need to hide the circumstances of their loved ones’ death. People left after the assisted suicide also sometimes experience emotions such as relief and a sense of abandonment, they tend to distance themselves from others and hide the truth about the death of their loved ones (in this case also because of the fear of legal consequences). The most significant differences, important for the later experience of bereavement, are the possibility of saying goodbye, as well as the belief that they provided their loved ones the "good death". These factors make it much easier to mourn, reduce the traumatic experience of grief. However, there are other factors potentially complicating bereavement – research shows that assisting in suicide correlates with certain mental disorders. This may be, for example, because of ethical doubts that this practice raises, conflict with the value system, potential remorse, alienation from the community after condemning such an act, fear of legal consequences and doubts if assisting in a suicide was a right decision.


Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Urszula Anna Zdanowicz
Śmierć osoby bliskiej jako podstawa roszczeń cywilnoprawnych – wybrane aspekty
237 – 256

Słowa kluczowe

śmierć |kompensacja |prawa cywilne |roszczenia cywilnoprawne |zapłata za szkodę |szkoda


Śmierć osoby bliskiej jest wydarzeniem bez wątpienia tragicznym. Wiąże się ona w większości przypadków z niewyobrażalnym cierpieniem, a w sytuacji, kiedy jest nagła – być może także z traumą. Nie ulega wątpliwości, iż zdarzenie takie odciska piętno nie tylko na życiu psychicznym osób bliskich, ale także często wpływa na sytuację materialną, powodując znaczne pogorszenie ich sytuacji życiowej. Wychodząc naprzeciw potrzebom wskazanego kręgu podmiotów, ustawodawca wprowadził pewne rozwiązania pozwalające w jakimkolwiek stopniu przyczynić się do ułatwienia powrotu do normalnego funkcjonowania osób dotkniętych tragicznym faktem śmierci osoby bliskiej...


Death of a loved one as the basis of civil law claims – selected aspects


compensation |civil claims |a death of a loved one |treatment and funeral expenses |pension |payment of damages |damage |harm


Urszula Anna Zdanowicz in the paper Death of a loved one as the basis of civil law claims – selected aspects discusses civil claims based on the death of a relative. Considering the fact that, in accordance with the general principle that compensation claims are only granted to persons directly injured, the Polish legislator decided to introduce a solution to the Civil Code which would make it possible to satisfy the socially expected obligation to facilitate persons affected by a dramatic event in the form of death. a person close to returning to a fair functioning. After all, it should be emphasized that such an event may affect not only the mental state of the indirectly injured person, but it may also be associated with significant repercussions in their material conditions, often leading to a significant deterioration in their life situation. The article 446 of the Civil Code introduces four specific claims, one of which relates to compensation for non-pecuniary damage – harm, while in the remaining cases they concern compensation for pecuniary damage. Considering the fact that the analyzed code regulation makes the occurrence of the entitled person's claim dependent on the death of a close person as a result of bolidy injury or causing a health disorder, it has become important to provide general information on the understanding of certain code concepts in the jurisprudence and doctrine. The research process includes an analysis of the development of the scope of legal protection granted to individuals in the event of the death of a relative, as well as considerations concerning the group of persons entitled to individual claims. It was impossible to fail to indicate how the concepts of "a close person" and "the closest family member" are understood in the judicature and science. A comprehensive analysis of the discussed issues also required paying attention to the divergences in the views of the representatives of theory and practice. The conducted research allowed for conclusions on the advisability of legal regulations aimed at protecting people suffering from trauma and material consequences resulting from the death of a loved one.


Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Anna Maria Wajda
Herod Wielki – władca różnie postrzegany. Tradycja chrześcijańska a historia
261 – 279

Słowa kluczowe

Herod |tradycja chrześcijańska |despota |morderca


Tradycja chrześcijańska, bazując przede wszystkim na informacjach zawartych w Ewangelii według św. Mateusza, nieustannie przypomina, że był to okrutny król morderca, odpowiedzialny za rzeź niewiniątek (Mt 2, 16). Współcześni mu Żydzi uważali go za uzurpatora, bezwzględnego satrapę, odpowiedzialnego za wymordowanie prawowitej dynastii królewskiej. Historia każe w nim widzieć genialnego budowniczego, przebiegłego polityka i przyjaciela cesarzy rzymskich. Pomimo tych różnych ocen wszyscy jednogłośnie mówią o nim Herod Wielki (Herodes Magnus). Urodził się w 73 lub 72 roku przed Chrystusem. Był synem Idumejczyka Antypatra i Nabatejki – Arabki Kypros. Zmarł w 4 roku przed Chrystusem...


Herod the Great – a ruler perceived in various ways. Christian tradition and history


Herod the Great |despot |murderer |builder |Christian tradition


The purpose of this paper is to try to show the factors that influence the complexity of perception of the figure of Herod the Great (73-4 B.C.), king of the small Jewish state Judaea in the last three decades before the common era, in Christian tradition and history. The issue will be presented based on biblical sources, works of ancient writers and literature. The basic biblical source will be the exegesis of the pericope about the slaughter of Bethlehem boys up to two years old ordered by Herod the Great, contained in the Gospel according to Matthew (Mat: 2, 16-18). In turn, the fundamental historical information about the reign of this king is provided by Josephus Flavius, a Jewish historian from the first century. The most important ancient source for the rule of Herod written by Flavius Josephus is the Jewish War and the Jewish Antiquities. Both books are based on the history of Nicolaus of Damascus, king Herod's personal secretary. It is very important to verify a great deal of information about Herod the Great. Historians have re-assessed long-held negative opinion about this king and now credit his reign as having had at least some positive effects on Jews and Judaism in his kingdom. They will also be presented in this chapter.


Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

Anna Suska
Historia i działalność Zakonu Cystersów w Jędrzejowie
281 – 297

Słowa kluczowe

Zakon Cystersów


Powstanie zakonu cystersów ściśle związane jest z ruchem reformatorskim, który przypada na XI i XII wiek. W czasie feudalizmu zakonnicy postanowili utrzymywać się z pracy wykonanej własnymi rękoma oraz opierać się na regule świętego Benedykta. Życie cysterskie jest ściśle związane i wsiąknięte w dziedzictwo monastyczne (Deklaracja Kapituły Generalnej zakonu cysterskiego o współczesnym życiu cysterskim 2011). Chcąc realizować swoje postanowienia, grupa mnichów zaplanowała zbudowanie nowego klasztoru...


History and activity of the Cistercian Order in Jędrzejów


abbot |Cistercians |order |activity |archiopath |monastery


Each order has its own history of creation, and new rules or regulations are introduced. Most religious are perceived as clergy who, by joining a given congregation through their lives and activities, try to be closer to God and want to go towards it. The Cistercian Order helps by strict adherence to the rules of Saint Benedict, simplicity, poverty, work, and constant approach to Christ through asceticism, chastity, obedience, silence, community of life anddevotion to the Mother of God. Through their lives and missionary activities, they contributedto the development of education, music and architecture. In their actions, they emphasized in particular the integration and development of the human person. It should be mentioned that the motto that has accompanied and is still very important in the life of monks is: Ora et labora, which is translated as: „Pray and work”. The slogan is argumentation in terms of work and prayer is extremely important and should be kept between these prices. In addition, by fulfilling their duties, the monks helped the community that was outside the walls of the monastery. Realizing their ministry, the Cistercians met people who were „unfaithful”. By their actions in currencies with quotas, they often became the guardians of recently established knight orders, but also attempts were made to convert them.

The Cistercian archiopathy in Jędrzejów in its history struggled with events that were unfavorable for development, for example: famine, Mongol invasion, Swedish deluge, partition of Poland, fires, or even the period of the Duchy of Warsaw. These circumstances caused: many people died, documents were destroyed, valuables of the abbey were robbed, the number of monks decreased, the property of monks was sold and economic development collapsed. However, the Cistercians take action every time.

The aim of the paper is to present the genesis of bringing the Cistercians to Polish lands and their settlement in Jędrzejów. Moreover, when discussing the aforementioned order, one cannot ignore the historic organs and the activities they conduct. For this purpose, the author analyzes, first of all, the history and activities of the Cistercian Order in Jędrzejów.


Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Mikołaj Dobek
Dziecięce stroje grobowe ze szczuczyńskich krypt
299 – 315

Słowa kluczowe

archeologia |stroje grobowe |kultura funeralna |Szczuczyn


Poznawanie społeczno-kulturowych dziejów społeczeństwa przez archeologów nie jest możliwe, gdy brak źródeł w postaci dorobku kultury materialnej, stanowiących pewnego rodzaju nośnik informacji o ich dawnym właścicielu, a także użytkowniku. Specyficzny typ źródeł, pozwalający na odkrywanie wielu aspektów życia, tworzą ubrania. Niegdyś były one wyznacznikiem przynależności do klasy społecznej, statusu finansowego, a także poglądów oraz miejsca zamieszkania ich posiadacza (Rembowska 1980: 49; Turnau 1986: 76-77; Grupa 2005: 74-75). Tak jak współcześnie, tak i wówczas istniały trendy w modzie, które kształtowały estetyczny gust społeczności...


Children's funeral attire from the crypts in Szczuczyn


crypts |funeral costumes |funeral culture |linen |archeology


Research conducted in the crypts in the church of The Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Szczuczyn brought many new elements into funeral history of the modern period. The unique conditions in the crypt contributed to the preservation of many remains of funerary clothing, the existence of which in the original equipment of the deceased was only guessed, because the linen and wool fabrics were usually decaying. The analysis of the materials from Szczuczyn allowed to broaden the knowledge of grave costumes sewn from these fabrics, as well as to verify their role – as a result of the conducted research, it was found that less durable materials were also present in exceptionally richly furnished graves. Objects analyzed during the excavations also allowed for a kind of confrontation and tracing the extent to which the secular community living in 18th-century Poland complied with the rules imposed by the church regarding the use of the recommended grave costumes. The analysis of the total number of burials of children in the crypts of the post-piarist church in Szczuczyn also allows for some conclusions regarding the identification of the sex of the children placed there.

During the research conducted in the crypts under the presbytery, 96 burials were described in detail. This number also included children's burials, which were subjected to a detailed in situ analysis. As a result of these works, the burials of two children of Stanisław Antoni Szczuka, the founder of the church and the owner of Szczuczyn, were identified. Little August Michał was buried in a silk żupan, and Maria Anna in a silk grave dress sewn from grits. The remaining children were mostly buried in linen dresses decorated with silk belts, but among them, there were also some unique forms of grave costumes. Thus, in the crypts of Szczuczyn in Poland, an archaeological discovery of a linen Czechman was made, and a dress with a printed floral pattern can be considered an extremely unique burial.


Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

Michał Łukowicz
Zaangażowanie, bierność i skandal. „Piosenkowe strategie” w konfliktach międzypokoleniowych
319 – 332

Słowa kluczowe

konflikt |piosenka |zaangażowanie |muzyka popularna |skandal |bierność |konflikt międzypokoleniowy


W polskiej przestrzeni społeczno-kulturowej z dużą regularnością pojawiają się artyści okrzykiwani przez publiczność i krytykę „głosami pokolenia”, a także teksty kultury czytane jako „pokoleniowe manifesty”. Wartości merytorycznej i zgodności ze stanem faktycznym podobnych wskazań nie sposób jednak ani obiektywnie ocenić, ani zmierzyć. Wynika to przede wszystkim z niejednoznaczności pojęcia „pokolenie”, które rozmaicie modelowano w kolejnych ujęciach...


Commitment, passivity and scandal. „Song strategies" in intergenerational conflicts


popular music |song |generations |conflict


The article aims to present the analysis of three Polish songs that are treated in the social space as important statements by „voices of their generation”. Jacek Kaczmarski in Our Class [Nasza klasa], Zygmunt „Muniek” Staszczyk in the song This nurture [To wychowanie] and Michał „Mata” Matczak in Pathointeligency [Patointeligencja], expressing the problems of their peers, occupy a specific place towards the older generation, which is symbolized by the educational system. Using a different music genre and functioning in different socio-political realities, each of the artists also proposes a different strategy of „fighting” in a generational conflict, which ranges from (apparent) passivity, through commitment, to rebellion.

The interpretation of the aforementioned cultural texts (the song is understood as a multi-code message with a solid performative potential) considers their verbal and musical content and the historical and performance context, and the dynamically changing reception.

The analysis of the differences and common points of the mentioned texts is intended to capture the phenomenon of popularity of these three completely different songs, which confirm that the most fortuitous statements of specificity and generational distinctiveness in the art use the mechanism of dispute.


Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Weronika Ptak
Artystka a rynek sztuki: Magdalena Abakanowicz
333 – 346

Słowa kluczowe

rzeźba |rynek sztuki |abakany |instalacja |Magdalena Abakanowicz


Twórczości Magdaleny Abakanowicz poświęcono wiele opracowań zarówno polskich, jak i zagranicznych, jednak tylko w nielicznych spośród nich poruszano kwestię obecności dzieł artystki na rynku sztuki, a zwłaszcza na rynku wtórnym. Warto przyjrzeć się bliżej temu zagadnieniu nie tylko z uwagi na polski rekord aukcyjny, który został ustanowiony w 2019 roku podczas sprzedaży grupy rzeźb Caminando1, ale również ze względu na fakt, że prace Abakanowicz na polskich licytacjach pojawiły się dużo później niż na aukcjach orgaznizowanych w innych krajach. Powodzenie artystki na zagranicznych rynkach sztuki, zwłaszcza amerykańskim, zbiegło się z narodzinami i kształtowaniem się feministycznej historii sztuki...


The Artist and the Art Market: Magdalena Abakanowicz


sculpture |art market |abakan |fabric |installation |auction |feminist art history


Weronika Ptak in the paper The Artist and the Art Market: Magdalena Abakanowicz analyzes the presence of Magdalena Abakanowicz's works on the international and domestic art market, with an emphasis on the auction market. The analysis of the auction results is accompanied by the biographical outline and artistic activity of the artist.

In the first part, the artist's biography is outlined, including exhibitions and biennials important for her artistic career, which are presented in the context of the feminist history of art that was developing at that time and the first exhibitions devoted exclusively to the work of women artists.

The further part of the text presents the division of the art market and its components, which affect both the position of artists and female artists, as well as their prices on the secondary market. Exhibitions, biennials, art fairs and many other factors contribute to the situation of each of the creators on the auction market, which is the only one that allows you to track transaction data. The presence of Magdalena Abakanowicz works on the global auction market has been traced from the first New York Sotheby's auction in 1988, to the 2019 auction record set at the Warsaw auction house DESA Unicum. As part of the introduction, a historical sketch and specificity of the Polish art market have been outlined, to analyze the presence of Magdalena Abakanowicz's works on the domestic art market in the context of the international market in a later part of the section.

At the end of the text, the most important achievements of Magdalena Abakanowicz are presented, such as an unconventional approach to textiles and the initiation of an artistic installation, the creation of which by the artists is indispensably connected with, among others, with feminist movements and the role of female artists in creating public sculptures and city monuments. The presence of the artist on the global art market was also summarized, along with references to the representation of female artists' works in permanent collections and the average median, which has been lower than that received by men for decades.

Agnieszka Kurkowska
Twórczość – przekraczanie dyscyplin. Analiza postawy autorskiej
347 – 379

Słowa kluczowe

sztuka |Design |twórca |architekt |interdyscyplinarność


Twórczość architektoniczna to przemierzanie przestrzeni, dotykanie nieuchwytności materii i częsta potrzeba przekraczania dyscyplin, to trudność i wyzwanie zarazem. Projektowanie architektoniczne stanowi łączenie użyteczności z pięknem, technicznej celowości z doświadczaniem wyjątkowych przeżyć. Obiekt architektoniczny różni się od wolnego od ograniczeń obiektu sztuki. W architekturze idee trzeba zestawić z realiami, wizje dostosowywać do oczekiwań i zaleceń. Zazwyczaj niewiele tu miejsca na bezkompromisową autoekspresję...


Politechnika Gdańska

Zofia Leśnik
Recenzja: Rzeczywistość przy pozorach solidności zrobiona jest z łatwopalnej tektury. Reprezentacja literacka jako forma tożsamości pisarzy z rodzin pozagładowych
383 – 395

Słowa kluczowe

Holocaust |postpamięć |Anna Kuchta |literatura wspomnieniowa


Polska Akademia Nauk

Pobierz cały numer
1 – 398
Ośrodek Badawczy
Opoczyńska 39/9
ISSN 2719-8278
Facta Ficta
54-034 Wrocław