Numer 12 (2/2022)
Philosophy in the late Middle Ages
Spis treści
Wojciech Hanuszkiewicz,
Maciej Stanek Introduction to the issue: Philosophy in the late Middle Ages
287 – 290
INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Wojciech Hanuszkiewicz Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Maciej Stanek Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach |
Wanda Bajor
Pulchrum esse: The role of beauty in the educational programme of the Parisian St. Victor School
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.01
293 – 309
Słowa kluczowe medieval aesthetics |theory of education of the 12th century |humanism of the 12th century |St. Victor SchoolStreszczenie Educating a human being is a task that has always stood close to philosophy and sometimes has become philosophy itself, as in the life work of Socrates following the motto with heroic consistency: “Know thyself ” (scire te ipsum). European culture adopted this principle and incorporated it into its intellectual-spiritual tissue in various guises over the centuries. During the Middle Ages, in the works of Christian thinkers inspired by Neoplatonic philosophy (such as in the views of the scholars of the Saint Victor school in Paris), this tradition was combined with the motif of “being beauty” (pulchrum esse) and enriched by aesthetic thought; beauty with all its richness of form and expression, together with truth and goodness, as Plotinus wanted, marked out the path of man;s “renewal” and showed him the ultimate goal of beatum esse — being happy. The sensitivity and aesthetic sophistication of the Victorine authors of the 12th-century theory of education breathe freshness and an Epicurean joie de vivre, which certainly creates the potential to appeal to contemporary man. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Hanna Wojtczak,
Krystyna Krauze-Błachowicz Discussion on the Existence of Universals in Paul of Pyskowice’s Autonomous Question "Utrum universalia subsistant" preserved in Cod. BJ 1900
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.02
311 – 328
Słowa kluczowe Krakow Jagiellonian Library |Cod. BJ 1900 |Albertus Magnus |opinio Platonis |opinio Vicklefistarum |opinio Aristotelis |universale in potentia |universale secundum actum |universale in re |post rem |ante rem |universale pro eius formali/materiali/essentiali significatoStreszczenie The problem of the ontological status of universals is one of the most important topics of the medieval discussion, which was also attended by Paweł of Pyskowice, a scholar from Kraków in the first half of the 15th century. He addressed this question in his very extensive commentary on Isagoga (preserved in cod. BJ 1900, mostly in Paul’s handwriting), whose authorship was for years wrongly attributed to Benedict Hesse. In this commentary, 9 questions were devoted to the so-called difficult Porfrian questions. Two of them bear the title Utrum univeralia subsistant. The same title is also given to the stand-alone question (written in Paul’s handwriting but loosely attached to cod. BJ 1900) which is the subject of this paper. Although it repeats the subject of two questions belonging to the commentary, it definitely differs from them — not only in substance but also in form. At the beginning, Paul presents three realistic positions: two extreme ones, i.e. Platonic and Wyclifist, and a moderate one — Aristotelian. Referring to them, he adopts the Aristotelian solution, according to which there is no universal in essendo separated from individual things. Paweł analyses universals on two levels: the metaphysical or epistemological, and the logical. INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Hanna Wojtczak Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach Krystyna Krauze-Błachowicz Uniwersytet Warszawski |
Monika Mansfeld
Anonymous Oxonian Dubitationes on Aristotle’s De sensu et sensato (Prague, Metropolitan Chapter, Ms. M. 80, ff. 131vb–132vb)
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.03
329 – 348
Słowa kluczowe medieval Aristotelianism |natural philosophy |De sensu et sensato |Aristotle |University of OxfordStreszczenie The incomplete commentary on Aristotle’s De sensu et sensato found in Prague, Metropolitan Chapter, Ms. M. 80, ff. 131vb–132vb was composed around 1250 in Oxford. Its author, whose identity is yet to be discovered, drew heavily on the so-called Oxford Gloss and Robert Grosseteste. It must have been originally designed for teaching purposes, presumably at the Faculty of Arts. Its peculiar form — dubitationes — indicate a divergence from literal explanations of source texts, leading to a more independent formulation of research problems. For this reason, it emerges as an intermediary form between expositions and question-commentaries. These dubitationes are divided into two thematically distinct blocks beginning with short lemmas. First seven of them deal with the relationship between an organism viewed as a psychophysical unity and its various operations, such as sensations and emotions. The other block contains five short dubitationes on animal senses and a longer one on whether celestial bodies have colour. This neat composition is, however, interrupted by an independent note regarding the order of the powers of the soul following the first dubitatio in the second block. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Łukasz Tomanek
The anonymous Parisian prologue to Averroes’ De substantia orbis from the end of the 13th century
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.04
349 – 379
Słowa kluczowe textual criticism |Fernand of Spain |University of Paris |philosophy of nature |medieval manuscriptsStreszczenie The article examines the anonymously preserved prologue to Averroes’ De substantia orbis dating to the end of the 13th century (manuscript Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 14246, ff. 16r–v, 19rb) and presents its edition. Along with commentaries by Fernand of Spain and Giles of Orléans (lost), this work is a rare witness of the still scarcely known commenting practice of Averroes’ work at the Faculty of Arts in Paris in this period. The codicological and paleographical examination conducted on the manuscript led to establishing the approximate dating and origin of the prologue. Additionally, the doctrinal analysis allowed us to place this opusculum within the context of other similar prologues and commentaries produced in this period. Of significant importance are similarities between the anonymous author and Fernand of Spain, whose prologue to his commentary on De substantia orbis provides an important context for the Anonymous Monacensis. Both works often employ the same examples and consider De substantia orbis the supplement to De caelo et mundo, which was an unusual addition to traditionally established divisio librorum naturalium. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Krzysztof M. Dąbrówka
Alexander Bonini of Alexandria’s Commentum super tres libros De anima Aristotelis
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.05
381 – 413
Słowa kluczowe natural philosophy |Franciscan philosophy |classification of sciences |University of Paris in the Middle Ages |science of the soulStreszczenie Alexander of the Bonini family (ca. 1270–1314) was born in Piedmont Alessandria. Having joined the Order of Friars Minor in the Genoese province, he took up scholarly work. In the late 13th century, he went to Paris to teach theology and philosophy at the University of Paris. His scholarly work resulted in commentaries on: Metaphysics, On the Soul, Sentences and Quodlibeta. In 1303, in Rome, he received a master’s degree in theology and an appointment as lector of the Lateran Palace. From 1308, he climbed the career steps within the Franciscan Order, culminating in 1313 with the election of Alexander of Alessandria as the General of the Order of Friars Minor. He died a year later and his memory survives mainly through his works. The paper consists of two parts. First one, introduces to the edition of principium together with the expositio and quaestiones to lemma 1 from Alexander Bonini of Alexandria’s commentary on De anima, Book 1, and the second part presents the edition itself. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Michał Tadeusz Noworyta
Bartłomieja z Jasła Pochwała logiki
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.06
415 – 440
Słowa kluczowe Uniwersytet Krakowski |logika |filozofia XV wieku |Bartłomiej z JasłaStreszczenie Rękopis BJ 2192 jest szczególnie interesującym świadectwem programowej i pozaprogramowej działalności Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego u początków XV wieku. Zawiera on przede wszystkim liczne mowy (głównie Bartłomieja z Jasła), wygłaszane na Wydziale Sztuk oraz Teologii, a także kazania oraz zbiory autorytetów, modlitwy, pieśni i pojedyncze kwestie. Wspomniane mowy zachowały się w różnym stanie — niektóre to jedynie brudnopisy, względnie, co równie możliwe, materiały, cytaty i wypiski do kazań... INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Małgorzata Kowalewska
Introduction to the edition of Paul of Worczyn’s commentary on De respiratione et inspiratione from Aristotle’s Parva naturalia
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.07
441 – 472
Słowa kluczowe Polish medieval philosophy |the University of Krakow in the 15th century |natural science in the Middle Ages |the naturalistic trend in medieval commentaries on Aristotle |Paul of WorczynStreszczenie Paul of Worczyn (1380–1430) was a mediaeval scholar, master at the Faculty of Liberal Arts of the University of Krakow in the years 1416–1430. He was the first Polish commentator on the Parva naturalia collection. This paper is an introduction to the edition of his commentary on De respiratione et inspiratione — one of the treatises from Parva naturalia. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Hanna Wojtczak
Paul of Pyskowice’s Autonomous Question Utrum universalia subsistant
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.08
473 – 490
Słowa kluczowe Cod. BJ 1900 |Albertus Magnus |opinio Platonis |opinio Vicklefistarum |opinio Aristotelis |universale in potentia |universale secundum actum |universale in re |post rem |ante rem |universale pro eius formali/materiali/essentiali significatoStreszczenie The subject of the present article is a critical edition of an autonomous question Utrum universalia subsistant by Paweł of Pyskowice († ca. 1467), an eminent Kraków scholar. The question is preserved on a loose two-leaf fold and is now attached to Paul’s commentary on Isagoge contained in cod. BJ 1900, held in the manuscript collection of the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. This question, however, does not form a coherent part of cod. BJ 1900. On the basis of the hand testimony and taking into account the fact that the quire was not bound together with the codex, the probable time frame of the quaestio with its accompanying glosses is 1423–1445. The degree of originality of this autonomous question cannot be determined at the present stage of research, nor has a text been found that may have been a direct source for Paul.Only two fragments incorporated by Paul without any references have been identified. Their ultimate source is Albert the Great. There are two apparatuses in the edition: fontium, which contains the identification of direct and indirect quotations of the source texts; editorial, which shows corrections, deletions, additions, marginal glosses and lacunae due to paper decay. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Maciej Stanek
Nicholas Tempelfeld of Brzeg’s two redactions of Principia in Tractatum Petri Hispani
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.09
491 – 519
Słowa kluczowe University of Krakow |university sermon |opening lecture |Summaries of logic |philosophy of the 15th centuryStreszczenie Nicholas Tempelfeld of Brzeg (ca. 1400–1471) was a distinguished Silesian figure among the scholar of the University of Krakow: he was a professor of theology educated there, a dean of the Faculty of Arts, a canonic of St. Florian’s Chapel, a preacher in St. Mary’s Church in Krakow and St. Elisabeth’s Church in Wroclaw, and even a politician, if we may call the author of the treatise against Czech king George of Podiebrad so. His philosophical output remains unknown since he seems to have written a single commentary on Aristotle (Parva naturalia) and is to be discovered on the basis of research into his university sermons. The paper presents the edition (preceded by a substantial introduction) of two redactions — a draft and a proper redaction — of such a sermon: his opening lectures on Summulae logicales by Peter of Spain, composed during his activity at the University of Krakow. The draft consists of seven notabilia only, dealing primarily with some general problems concerning logic. The proper redaction is a deeply elaborated introduction to Peter’s work, that — according to Nicholas — should be entitled: The treatise by Peter of Spain dealing with the argumentation and some other things relating to it, compiling views of the other philosophers, composed because of the love for young students to these students obtain the way of argumentation, as well as the possibility to discern the truth from the false. It contains the recommendation of logic, some general logical problems, like the causes and subject matter of commented text, and the accessus to the first part of the Tractatus. Both versions of the sermon are preserved in Ms. Wroclaw, University Library, cod. I Q 380. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Anna Czepiel
Kallikles i symetryzm. Polaryzacja polityczna jako ujarzmianie „sprawiedliwego z natury”
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.10
521 – 555
Słowa kluczowe romantyzm |demokracja |indywidualizm |polaryzacja |symetryzm |KaliklesStreszczenie Metaforycznym punktem wyjścia do moich rozważań są dwie moje rozmowy: z osobą popierającą katolicko‑konserwatywną stronę polaryzacji (2016 r.) oraz z osobą popierającą stronę lewicowo‑liberalną (2020 r.). Zaznaczam jednocześnie, że wskazanie na podobieństwa tych dwóch dyskusji nie neguje faktu, że obaj rozmówcy bardzo różnią się od siebie pod względem osobowości, temperamentu i charakteru... INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Tomasz Femiak
Próba „odczarowania” teorii wielości rzeczywistości Leona Chwistka — kontekst historyczny
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.11
557 – 577
Słowa kluczowe Leon Chwistek |estetyka |teoria sztuki |wielość rzeczywistościStreszczenie W roku 2021 obchodziliśmy setną rocznicę wydania Wielości rzeczywistości Leona Chwistka. W eseju tym została wyłożona finalna postać teorii wielości rzeczywistości — jednego z najważniejszych osiągnięć polskiego filozofa, logika i malarza. W roku 2022 minie 110 lat od opublikowania innej ważnej pracy krakowianina: Zasady sprzeczności w świetle nowszych badań Bertranda Russella... INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Opolski |
Robert Trochonowicz
Total helplessness: A critical reconstruction of the concept of enlightenment in the philosophy of Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti
DOI: 10.24917/20841043.12.2.12
579 – 591
Słowa kluczowe Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti |Jiddu Krishnamurti |Theosophical Society |enlightenmentStreszczenie This paper provides a critical analysis and reconstruction of the concept of enlightenment in the thought of the Indian philosopher Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti (1918–2007). The importance and significance of Krishnamurti’s philosophy lies in the fact that he was one of the few Eastern thinkers to engage in a critical discussion with the traditional concept of enlightenment, while offering his alternative views on the subject. Over the centuries, the notion of enlightenment has significantly changed its meaning, becoming increasingly mythologised, just as the figure of the enlightened being has been deified. The title character sheds new light on the concept of enlightenment, pointing in the direction of a systematic rejection of the traditionally religious superstructure that had clung to it over time. The analysed views constitute a rendering of this religious phenomenon from the perspective of the naturalistic paradigm, pointing to its physiological aspect. Thus, from the point of view of the history of Eastern philosophy, his ideas have a strongly innovative character and their introduction to philosophical discourse may significantly change our understanding of the startling concept of enlightenment. INFORMACJE O AUTORZE
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Urszula Ula Chowaniec,
Anna Frątczak Reflections on exhibition by Małgorzata Drohomirecka: Strategies of the unreliable narrator in dealing with nationality, patriotism, ethnicity in artistic feminist discourses
595 – 606
Słowa kluczowe patriotism |Polonia |Małgorzata Drohomirecka |unreliable narrator |feminist narrativesStreszczenie This is a report on the visual art collection WA(Y)ST(O)ED FREEDOM exhibited in the Centrala — Art Gallery and Creative Space in Birmingham, United Kingdom, 5th–25th November 2021. The authors discuss Małgorzata Drohomirecka’s series of works, Polonia 2020, which consist of collages that reinterpret national and patriotic symbolism. Polonia is a very important role model for Polish women as well as for the political devise. The authors discuss the artistic strategies involved in deconstructing the national myths and social stereotypes used by the artist. These strategies are called “the unreliable narrator”, namely the means to look at history as a repository of themes and material which is now in need of reinterpretation, sometimes ridiculing, and dismissal. The paper includes the artist’s commentary on her works. INFORMACJE O AUTORACH Urszula Ula Chowaniec Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego Anna Frątczak Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego |
Paweł Sznajder
Recenzja: Mariusz Oziębłowski, Redukcja metafizyki. Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz i ponowoczesna transformacja paradygmatyczna
609 – 615
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Magdalena Reuter
Recenzja: Eric R. Kandel, Zaburzony umysł. Co nietypowe mózgi mówią o nas samych
617 – 619
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie