Zeszyty Naukowe TD UJ. Nauki Społeczne
24 (1/2019)

Informujemy, że w ramach Serii Społecznej Zeszytów Naukowych Towarzystwa Doktorantów UJ prowadzony jest nabór tekstów w języku angielskim do numeru 24 (1/2019) pod tytułem Turkish Yoke or Pax Ottomana. The Reception of the Ottoman Heritage in the Balkan History and Culture. Poniżej prezentujemy założenie koncepcyjne tomu:

Maria Todorova, undoubted authority of the Balkan studies, claimed: “That is absurd to look for the Ottoman Heritage in the Balkans. The Balkans are Ottoman heritage”. The Ottoman Empire influenced on the policy of the Balkan Peninsula for almost six ages. Since the 14th century, the Turkish rules was the source of the Balkan societies, lifestyle and culture and  were the reason why the South-East is different than the rest of the Old Continent. It is obligatory to combine the history, policy, and culture of the Balkans with the Ottoman heritage because it helps us analysing the most crucial processes took place in the past. What more, we notice effects of those processes even nowadays. We would like to suggest following topics for volume about the Ottoman heritage:

  • the Ottoman Empire and Balkan people during the Turkish rule (14th–18th century): the Turkish conquest of South-Eastern Europe, the system of rules, the situation of the population, relations between different ethno-religious groups, the image of the Ottoman authority or Turks in the Balkan myths, literatures and languages;
  • the Ottoman Empire, Muslims and the Balkan National Revivals in the 19th century in the political, social, and cultural context,
  • the question of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and “de-Ottomanisation” in the newly created Balkan countries in the 19th–20th century;
  • the “Ottoman orphans” – the Muslim minority in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th century, migrations of Muslims during the periods of Austro-Hungary and Yugoslavia;
  • the reception of the Ottoman legacy in the modern Balkan literatures;
  • the Ottoman heritage in the Balkan languages: Turkish loanword, stereotypes about Turks in languages;
  • the present-day influence of the Ottomans in the Balkan daily life and pop culture: cuisine, music, holidays.
  • Ottoman art and architecture today in Balkan countries (antique mosques, site of memory etc.)
  • “neo-Ottomanisn” – influence of Turkey in the Balkan Peninsula in the 21st century.

Teksty proszę przysyłać do końca grudnia 2018 roku. Przygotowywane artykuły nie powinny przekraczać arkusza wydawniczego (40 000) oraz być przygotowane zgodnie z opisanymi normami (brak dostosowania się do tych zaleceń może skutkować odrzuceniem tekstu). Każdy z tekstów będzie poddawany procedurze recenzenckiej oraz ocenie merytorycznej, na podstawie których będą zapadać decyzje o dopuszczeniu tekstu do druku.

„Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego: Seria Społeczna” są czasopismem punktowanym: lista B – 5 pkt.

Krzysztof Popek

Redaktor prowadzący Serii Społecznej


[email protected]