Studia Humanistyczne AGH
Thematic Issue: Holocaust Memory in Central European Localities Today
Guest editors: Richárd Papp (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Radosław Tyrała (AGH University, Krakow, Poland)
In the decades following the fall of the socialist regimes, despite the fact that the Holocaust was included in education, many scientific and literary works were published, many monuments were built, and commemoration ceremonies are regularly held, the problems of forgetting and indifference related to the Holocaust live with us to this day. Anti-Semitism or denial of the Holocaust are still present in Central European societies today.
We believe that this problem can be revealed most profoundly from a deeper understanding of everyday life and from the narratives of individuals. Thus, a necessary corollary of this is meticulous, up-close and person-focused research. Intensive empirical case studies can enable a detailed understanding of the personal narratives of Holocaust memory. We consider it essential, in addition to the victims who lived through the horrors of the Holocaust, to understand the narratives of the present-day bearers of Holocaust memory. Only by doing so can we face up to the current state of holcaust memory in Central Europe and its challenges.
Thus, our Thematic Issue is calling for papers that are based on empirical social science research of the local Holocaust memory. Consequently, the expected studies can deal with the analysis of spaces and symbols related to Holocaust memory in one or more Central European settlements; the interpretation of transgenerational and/or translocal significances of Holocaust memory narratives; or the analysis of local Jewish and/or non-Jewish narratives. In addition to these, the studies can examine theoretical, methodological, epistemological, or ethical problems related to Holocaust memory research. Incoming studies may combine the above approaches or include additional related case studies.
Deadline for submitting articles: August 31, 2024.