Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Comparative Polish and Spanish-language Literature
The editors of the quarterly “Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica” invites you to submit articles to its thematic issue (4/2022) devoted to presentation, juxtaposition and analysis of mutual relations, interactions and dialogue between Polish literature on the one hand and Spanish-language (Spanish and Latin American) literature on the other. We are interested in mutual interactions and correlations between Polish- and Spanish-language literary texts; convergence and divergence processes: Polish literature and Spanish-language literatures presented in their difference and identity; perceived from a transnational perspective, embedded in another culture(s).
You are invited to submit proposals for comparative articles in Polish or English (possibly in Spanish). We are waiting for papers concerning, among others:
- relationship between Polish and Spanish-language literature;
- mutual influences of Polish and Spanish-language literature;
- parallelisms and differences between Polish literature and Spanish-language literature/literatures;
- Polish literature perceived from the Spanish and/or Latin American perspective;
- Spanish-language literature perceived from the Polish perspective;
- adaptations and imitations between Polish and Spanish-language literature;
- translation of Polish literature into Spanish;
- translation of Spanish-language literature into Polish;
- reception of Polish literature in Spanish-speaking countries;
- reception of Spanish-language literature in Poland.
The journal is also open to submissions of articles covering other topics not listed above, which fit into the thematic scope of the volume.
Deadline for submitting articles: 30 June 2022